Baldness at 22, what solutions?

Baldness at 22, what solutions?

It is never easy to see that the first signs of baldness appear on our head. And especially when the latter manifests itself while you are still in the prime of life. Indeed, baldness usually occurs between the thirties and forties; but unfortunately it can sometimes happen that it develops well before. And although baldness has no effect on physical health, it will often become a source of discomfort and psychological ordeal. So to avoid this we will see today solutions to fight baldness at 22. First of all we will see why baldness happens at 22. In a second part, we will see how to fight baldness at 22.

What are the causes that trigger baldness at 22?

Baldness: what is it?

Often referred to as male hair loss, androgenetic alopecia or generally named the baldness, is linked to heredity and generally develops in boys. That is to say that it is usually transmitted from generation to generation and that in the event that your male ancestry tends to have genetic alopecia, and therefore baldness, you will have more statistics to have it too .

Baldness at 22 is generally recognized by the localization of hair loss. Indeed, the hair falls at the level of the vertex, that is to say the upper zone of the skull. More precisely, the hair usually begins to fall around the temporal gulfs or else at the top of the head. Be aware that the hair on the bottom of the head will not fall out if you have genetic baldness because it is not dependent on hormonal variations. the causes responsible for baldness at 22

What triggers baldness?

As mentioned above, the manifestation of baldness at 22 years comes from internal factors: genetics and hormones (especially male). To be more precise, the development of baldness is to be attributed to the enzyme 5-alpha-reductase which is localized in the scalp and Testosterone, an androgenic hormone (male). Their union produces dihydrotestosterone or more known as DHT which decreases the life cycle of a hair. The hair cycle is much too fast compared to its normal functioning, and this has the consequence of forcing the hair follicles to first make down instead of hair, then not to make any at all.

Please note: The baldness we are talking about is linked to androgenetic alopecia, so it is total hair loss due to hormones and heredity. As a result, it is very complex to deal with. But other causes will be able to generate excessive hair loss (emotional shock, environment, poor nutrition, etc.), especially at your age! Find the set of possible causes that may be responsible forexcessive hair loss in this article.

Is it possible to have baldness at 22?

The development of baldness can begin in adolescence and therefore at 22 years old. However, if you feel alone around you to see it appear, it is because it manifests itself in the majority of cases between the ages of 25 and 40. Know that almost 50% of men have baldness around their fifties.

However, there are multiple causes that can lead to hair loss at 22 years and that can easily be processed. So you may not be affected by genetic baldness. We suggest that you call your general practitioner for a thorough examination of your health and note any deficiencies that cause hair loss (iron deficiency, vitamins A or B, minerals such as copper, etc.). For an even more in-depth analysis, you can also consult a dermatologist for an external analysis of your scalp. In this way you will be able to know if your hair loss is due to genetic baldness or to other factors.

What to do to fight baldness at 22?

The onset of baldness at 22 occurs consecutively to intrinsic factors. This is why, to reduce, or even block excessive hair loss, it will be necessary to use methods that act on the internal problem. So don't expect to solve your baldness problem effectively through the use of shampoos or lotions as many companies would like to suggest. So, we will see in the second part of our article the remedies having a real result on your baldness problem at 22.

Treatments to take at home to slow down baldness at 22

Special dietary supplements to curb genetic baldness

Basically, food supplements compensate for one or more nutritional deficiencies. However, if you have androgenetic alopecia and therefore start to baldness at 22, conventional dietary supplements for hair loss due to deficiency will not solve the problem. Indeed, these are composed of minerals and vitamins that the hair needs to be stronger and to be in good health. But then they do not act on the real problem of genetic baldness namely hormones. So you will need food supplements with properties capable of acting on the hormonal problem. In order to respond as precisely as possible to your needs, do not hesitate to seek the advice of a general practitioner or a pharmacist.

We advise you the food supplement Bio 5 - anti-hair loss against baldness at 22 years

baldness at 22 what to do

Why choose it?

  • Acts on androgenic hair loss and therefore baldness at 22 years
  • Formulated with 100% natural ingredients, organic, and contains no toxic components for the body
  • Formulated with potent DHT blocking ingredients
  • Allows to obtain a clear slowing of the fall from the second month of treatment


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In order for food supplements to work effectively, you will need to take them for at least three months.

Please note: : This product helps to minimize hair loss and particularly premature baldness. However, baldness is written in your body. You will therefore have to, after a while, use more powerful treatments to slow down or considerably stop baldness.

Local treatment

Le Minoxidil, dosed at 2 or 5%, is a lotion which is used in local external application on the parts prone to hair loss. This lotion helps to significantly reduce baldness as well as boost regrowth even if you have androgenetic alopecia. It all depends on the individual, but it takes several months to see the first results. And also know that only boys will be able to use it.

Note that for a small number of people, this product may cause side effects such as minor skin effects, excessive hair growth or chest pain. It is recommended that you make an appointment with your doctor before using this medicine.

Oral treatment

Le Finasteride (Propecia) is to be taken by mouth. It is a treatment which is therefore prescribed by a doctor. To explain its action simply, it inhibits the enzyme 5-alphareductase and therefore decreases the level of dihydrotestosterone (DHT) guilty of baldness at 22 years. As a result, hair loss is severely limited and hair regrowth is promoted. Studies show that after 5 years of use, 90% of men have stabilized hair loss, and 65% even see regrowth.

You should know that in rare cases, some people see side effects such as psychiatric disorders (anxiety, mood changes, depression) and / or sexual disorders (low libido, erectile dysfunction).

Herbal medicine to curb baldness at 22

What is herbal medicine? it is quite simply the therapeutic treatment by plants and natural active ingredients. And many plants have virtues to slow down hair loss.

  • Vegetable oils can be used in case of onset of baldness at 22. 100% natural, theCastor oil is what you need. It allows to dope the hair follicles in order to limit hair loss. But nevertheless, no false hopes, it saves a little time, but it will not succeed in completely stopping your genetic baldness.
  • Essential oils also have valuable properties against baldness at 22. For example, the essential oil of Atlas cedar will be the most effective since it is enriched with a compound that slows down hair loss. Use it in your usual shampoo dose, using no more than 2 or 3 drops.

Hair light therapy: effective remedy against baldness at 22

What is hair light therapy? It is a gentle and harmless treatment to fight against the problem of hair that falls out just as much for men as for women. Light therapy is recommended especially if you have aandrogenetic alopecia and therefore baldness. It is a painless process that is done with the help of a laser that sends rays of cold light to the scalp. This action has for missions to stop hair loss, boost hair growth and increase their density thanks to the light which is collected by the hair follicles. The advantage of this method is that it does not require surgery.

Hair transplant to camouflage baldness

When you have an early baldness at 22, your hair will probably end up falling irreparably. The treatments seen above have the function of saving time. However, when your hair has fallen completely, you can then opt for the hair transplant. This will be evidently, validated and carried out by a specialist and it is more judicious to wait until your thirties before considering it. This operation involves making a hair implantation in your scalp. The final result is usually seen a year after the operation.

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