Dark circles due to screens, causes and solutions

Dark circles due to screens, causes and solutions

Dark circles, no one escapes them. Usually, they appear after a short night or in times of stress or severe fatigue. For you, it's different. You get the impression that the screens are responsible for their formation. And you are probably not wrong because technological devices such as laptops, computers or televisions have their share of responsibility for the appearance of unsightly dark circles. But then why? And what to do to avoid dark circles associated with screens? To start, learn about the factors responsible for the appearance of dark circles when you spend time in front of the screens. Then discover the solutions to fight against dark circles that develop because of the screens. 

Why do you have dark circles because of the screens?

How do dark circles develop?

The formation of dark circles is the result of a insufficient blood and lymphatic circulation. Note that the skin of the lower eyelid (where the dark circles are) is four times thinner than on other areas of the body. This is why this blood or lymphatic disorder is so visible on this small region of the body and that physically it results in dark circles.

In short, as soon as the microcirculation around the eye is damaged, dark circles appear!

dark circles because of the screens what to do

Various types of dark circles can affect you:

  • colored circles. They can be brown or bluish.
  • hollow dark circles.
  • full circles or also called "pockets".

Factors responsible for the appearance of dark circles due to screens

When you have dark circles from the screens, you will surely be affected by the appearance of colored circles to pockets. But then for what reasons?

1 - Visual fatigue and body fatigue caused by screens

We spend an average of 6 hours a day in front of the screens! It is too much for our eyes and our brain which are going to be constantly called upon and disturbed. Indeed, technological devices and their light stimulus will both cause a visual fatigue related to the strain on the eye and also cause a general state of fatigue linked to the stress of the brain. These two factors reunited go cause the appearance of dark circles.

Indeed, as soon as your body is tired, the lymphatic system et the vascularization system get lazy and no longer work properly. The microcirculation is particularly less efficient, and the wastes present in the body are not eliminated well enough. As a result, they group together at eye level and dark circles develop. In addition to this fatigue of the body, will be added the eye strain related to blue light. Blue light is similar to the light emitted by the rays of the sun. It will come to stimulate the retina. When we are overexposed to blue light from screens, this one will end up strain and damage the retina and the eye. This will physically result in the appearance of dark circles. 

2 - A constantly solicited blood flow

Know that the vascularity of the eye is particularly important. Many veins, arteries and capillaries feed the eye. The blood flow will therefore be constantly requested when you remain focused on your screen for a long time. After a while, and with fatigue, the blood circulation will slow down. And as we have seen, less efficient blood circulation = appearance of dark circles

3 - sleep disturbed by screens 

In addition to creating fatigue directly related to screens, technological devices and their blue light will come disrupt sleep. When you have a sleep that is not sufficiently restful, it will also promote the appearance of dark circles. This is explained by a biological phenomenon. This is because lymphatic circulation is reduced when the body is active. Normally, therefore, she takes advantage of the time asleep to activate to full capacity and perform effective drainage of the body. When you do not get enough sleep, maximum drainage cannot be achieved. As a result, dark circles form. 

4 - Stress generated by the content of the screens

A final factor, a little more indirect, may promote the appearance of dark circles because of the screens. Stress generates a mental fatigue which obstructs lymphatic functioning and therefore causes the formation of dark circles. So, if you are used to spending too much time in front of violent and stressful content (video games, film, etc.) or if you are constantly stressed at work, you risk promoting dark circles. 

Dark circles due to screens: how to avoid them?

Changing certain habits to avoid dark circles related to screens

To avoid having dark circles because of the screens, above all, it will be a question of changing certain habits and reducing your exposure time. Concretely, this translates into what? 

1 - adopt new habits 

  • Avoid screens 30 minutes before going to sleep;
  • Take breaks of about 15 minutes every two hours to rest your eyes;
  • Activate 'Night mode' or lower the brightness of your screens as soon as possible;
  • Move away from your screens (have a distance of 6m with the TV, 1m with the computer and 50cm with the telephone);
  • Look away for a few seconds every 30 minutes to let your eyes rest. In fact, in front of the computer, we blink much less than we should. Diverting your attention will allow the eyes to rest, even for a few seconds.
  • Avoid spending too much time in front of violent and stressful content, especially before going to sleep. 
  • Avoid looking at your phone at night.

2 - Pay attention to the exposure time in front of the screens 

Today it is difficult to do without screens. However, when you can, prefer activities outside of your portable, computer, tablet or television

How long do we have to spend in front of screens depending on age?

  • For children under 3: no screens! 
  • For children between 3 and 8 years old: less than 1 hour per day. 
  • For adolescents between 9 and 17 years old, the best stays less than 2 hours a day. While on average a teenager spends 7 hours a day in front of a screen! 
  • For an adult, it is difficult to restrict screen time as today's professions need their use. To limit your screen time, it is recommended to practice physical activity outdoors. 

3 - Anti-blue light glasses against dark circles because of screens

what to do against dark circles because of the screens

Anti blue light glasses (or rest), allow filtering of light wavelengths harmful to the retina and reduce eye fatigue. As a result, you may have less dark circles because of the screens by wearing this type of glasses. They are particularly recommended for people who work on the computer for a long time and who use their phone very often. Since the distance between these screens and our eyes is close, the blue light will be all the more aggressive. The dark circles will then tend to be more marked for people spending a lot of time in front of computer and in front of them smartphone

4 - sleep well

Because the first cause of the development of dark circles because of the screens is the fatigue, it will be essential that you get enough hours of sleep to avoid them. Indeed, you will quickly see that this will allow you to drain toxins and avoid waking up with the presence of dark circles already marked. For young people under 13, it is suggested to sleep between 9 a.m. and 11 a.m. For teens between 14 and 17 years old, 8-10 hours of sleep is recommended. And for adults, it is advisable to have between 7h and 9h of sleep. To sleep better, you can, for example, practice exercises that relax you (yoga, meditation), drink an infusion or once again stop the screens for a good twenty minutes before sleeping!

Lymphatic massages and cold to reduce dark circles 

1 - Lymphatic massage: the best ally against dark circles

One of the processes that give the best results to fight dark circles appearing because of the screens, remains to carry out circular massages and light tapping on the eye area. The massage to be performed is called lymphatic massage. It can be done several times a day. For example, when you take screen breaks or on the contrary when you watch TV. In any case, try to practice it twice a day (morning and evening) for 1 to 2 minutes on each eye. 

These massages will stimulate blood and lymphatic circulation so that the blood and lymph do not stagnate. To explain it another way, when you massage your eyelids (above and below the eyes) you are therefore manually draining your eye. As a result, your dark circles and your bags are much less pronounced.

How to proceed with this draining massage to fight against dark circles due to screens?

Begin to exert a little pressure at the level of the internal eye socket where the tear sac is located (at the level of the nose, at the corner of the internal eye). Direct yourself, keeping a slight pressure towards the underside of the eyes, massaging and palpating delicately. Stay between the hard part and the beginning of the soft part of the underside of the eye, without going up to the underside of the eyelashes. Use circular motions, smoothing repeatedly with your fingertips from the inner corner of your eye to the outer corner. You can also massage the top of the upper eyelid, just below the browbone, using the same gestures.

2 - Attenuate or remove dark circles appearing because of the screens with the cold

The cold technique wakes up the eyes by activating the microcirculation and therefore quickly and easily fade dark circles. There are several tips, but one that works the best and the fastest to regain a glowing gaze is to put two teaspoons for at least 1/4 of an hour in the refrigerator. After that, put them on the eyes for about five minutes.

3 - Blend or remove dark circles with a jade roller

Instead of manual lymphatic massage, you can also use and massage your lower eyelid where your dark circles are with a jade scroll. This can be used when you apply your concealer cream or as a daily massage when watching TV for example. 

The latter is very effective for, among other things, decongesting the eyes and restarting the microcirculation. As a result, it is perfect for preventing or removing puffiness and dark circles that appear due to screens. On the other hand, it is also ideal for:

  • Improve the radiance of the complexion;
  • firm and plump the tissues;
  • energize the pores of the skin thanks to the fact that the stone of the roller remains cold (put it in the fridge to stimulate the microcirculation even more);
  • activate collagen production and make fine lines and first wrinkles disappear;
  • Slow down the aging of the skin.

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