White hair at 15 years old, what to do?

White hair at 15 years old, what to do?

The onset of the first gray hairs are around 35 years old and can be more or less 10 years later. This is an average, the reality for each individual is quite different. The development of white or gray hair varies from one individual to another and will depend on genetics, but also on internal or external parameters. And on some, we are in control! So, what to do to fight against gray hair at 15? We will see to start, why you have white hair at 15. Second find out how to prevent and delay the development of gray hair at age 15.

Why do I have white hair at 15?

White or gray hair, everyone ends up having some, it's inevitable. This transformation is called canities. It is a 100% natural change that occurs as soon as the melanocytes, the cells that give color to hair, decrease or stop their production of melanin. To explain it another way, your hair therefore continues to grow, only it is no longer pigmented, and consequently it is no longer colored. Your hair will then turn graying or white. At a certain age it is common for this process to appear, however at 15 years it is possible that it reveals other concerns.

white hair at 15

ONE or MORE white hair?

First, analyze the development of white hair and ask yourself: are they numerous, sparse or is there only one hair that has turned gray or white? Indeed, 1 or 2 gray hairs are not indicative of a problem : it can simply be a problem of localized melanin. At times the hair is also depigmented in some places, and in others it is still colored.

In the situation where there is only a single white hair, there is no reason to be worried. This hair simply did not have time to load up with melanin. As a result, the following ones will grow back in a normal way.

The different possible origins of the appearance of gray hair at 15 years old

If you have an entire salt and pepper strand or several gray hairs that are spread over your head, this can be the cause of various factors. Here is the potential origins of the appearance of gray hair at 15.

1 - Melanocyte dysfunction may be responsible for gray hair at age 15

There can come a point in life when the melanocytes do not properly produce hair pigmentation. This did nothing serious or abnormal and this concern should disappear over time if it only concerns a few hairs. Nevertheless, if you have more and more white hair, it appears massively and / or it comes back even after removing it, we recommend that you consult your GP to diagnose the precise cause of the dysfunction.

Also know that the cause of the natural aging of the body can be a probability to explain the arrival of your gray hair at 15 years. However, do not panic, at your age the phenomenon of canities is quite unusual. It is more likely that the development of your gray hair is simply the result of a temporary problem in the production of pigmentation.

2 - Dietary deficiencies risk developing gray hair at 15 years old

THEappearance of white hair at age 15, may be the symptom that your body is in lack of certain nutrients and some vitamins. Be therefore also vigilant to potential deficiencies, especially in iron, copper, zinc, and B vitamins. You must therefore consume fresh products and have a balanced and varied diet to avoid the premature development of gray hair.

3 - An emotional shock is likely to cause the appearance of gray hair early

A significant emotional shock such as death or accident can lead to premature development of gray hair at age 15. In fact, when the organism suffers a traumatic shock or a very strong stress discharge is released in the body, the body's immune defense system reacts and changes the proper functioning of certain cells. This would cause the appearance of white hair.

4 - A bad lifestyle can activate the appearance of gray hair at 15 years old

A life a bit stressful, chronic stressful situations, unbalanced diet et smoking can be just as many parameters that accelerate the development of white hair at 15.

  • The stress accelerates the process of oxidation of cells and therefore can cause premature aging of the body. It can also cause inflammation that lowers the production of melanin. The hair undergoes this inconvenience in this situation and turns white more prematurely than it should be.
  • Food consumption modern has not brought all good to our plates. The current diet and fast food culture can lead to conditions that are likely to interfere with the proper production of melanin. In addition, it is too high in sugar, fat and salt, and it does not contain enough vitamins and minerals which can very often lead to deficiencies.
  • Cigarette is well known to accelerate the aging of skin and hair. By affecting the hair follicles, it causes premature aging of the hair. Studies have proven the concordance between smoking and the formation of hair bleaching before age thirty.

How to avoid the appearance of gray hair at 15 years old?

Before starting, we regret to inform you that there is, to date, no medical treatment to fight against physiological canities although experiments are underway to slow or stop this process.

However, as we have just seen previously, the premature graying of hair and the stopping of certain melanocytes comes in some cases from factors we can control. If you deduce that your hair bleaching is not of hereditary origin, follow our recommendations in order to slow down this process!

Make a diagnosis to understand the appearance of your gray hair

For starters, if you have symptoms other than bleaching some of your hair, see a doctor to be sure it's not a pathological or hormonal dysfunction.

Then a general health check prescribed by a doctor or nutritionist can also be done to detect possible deficiencies. The blood test can reveal, for example, iron deficiencies or a dysfunction of the thyroid. Depending on the result obtained, your doctor or nutritionist will inform you of what to modify or not in your diet.

Solutions to slow down the appearance of gray hair at 15

solutions against gray hair at 15 years

1 - Eat a balanced diet to curb the appearance of gray hair at 15 years old

Try to have a varied diet while respecting the slogan "avoid foods that are too fatty, too sweet, too salty". This also works to curb the development of gray hair! Eat foods rich in vitamins, antioxidants, minerals and trace elements. Indeed, know that if you are lacking in antioxidants or essential fatty acids, especially omega 3, you will promote the appearance of the first symptoms of aging, and therefore the bleaching of hair at 15 years.

Group B vitamins and in particular vitamin B12 are essential to prevent premature aging of the body and to give energy to the body. Therefore, eat foods rich in B vitamins to avoid gray hair at 15. If you are following a vegetarian or vegan diet, consider taking food supplements for vitamin B12 including.

Minerals like copper, zinc and iron would positively affect the hair. They would keep hair follicles healthy and thus prevent the premature appearance of gray hair at 15 years.

Le copper is essential in the transmission of pigmentation to the hair. Note that melanin is produced by melanocytes thanks to the enzyme tyrosinase. And it is copper that catalyzes this enzymatic reaction. Therefore, a balanced diet and providing the right daily dose of copper will prevent the development of gray hair prematurely. However, be careful, copper is toxic if you consume too much! Have a blood test to check your copper level before making any changes to your diet.

2 - Adopt a healthy lifestyle to fight against gray hair

A varied and balanced food consumption

As we mentioned before, avoid junk food and fast food. Choose fresh, unprepared foods such as fruits, vegetables, fresh fish and quality fresh meat, whole grains, etc. Indeed, industrial foods have a lot of toxins. As soon as the liver is saturated, the organ which has the function of cleaning the body, can no longer eliminate toxins and this results in premature aging and the appearance of white hair at 15 years old.

Avoid stress and relax

Recurring stress also promotes aging of the body and therefore the development of gray hair at 15 years. We know that stress is difficult to control, however try to adopt techniques against stress or to practice relaxing activities.

Avoid cigarettes for healthy lungs and body

Tobacco accelerates aging early in the body and therefore in the hair. Indeed, as we have seen previously, scientists have shown the correlation between smoking and the onset of gray or white hair before your thirties. If you are in a smoking environment, make sure you stay as far away from the smoke as possible. If you are a smoker, try to reduce your consumption as much as possible.

Remember that in no case, our advice replaces the advice of a professional, such as a doctor, a naturopath or a nutritionist. If you wish to take stock of your state of health, do not hesitate to call your doctor.

By combining a healthy lifestyle and natural processes, you have the possibility of slow down the process of premature depigmentation of hair and thus prevent the arrival of too much gray hair at 15 years.

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