How to prevent the development of cellulite at 55?

How to prevent the development of cellulite at 55?

Over time our body undergoes great physical changes. And especially during hormonal upheavals that affect our entire body. Menopause is one of these periods and leaves traces, such as cellulite. But don't be resigned! There are solutions to prevent it from growing too big on our skin. So, what to do against cellulite at 55? In this article, we will first find out the reasons why you have cellulite that forms at 55 years old. Subsequently, we will see the solutions available to you to reduce or eradicate cellulite at age 55.

Why does cellulite develop strongly at age 55?

What internal phenomenon results from cellulite?

To begin with, it is important to understand how cellulite is formed. Cellulite, still famous under other names such as orange peel ou dimples, occurs as a result of a change in the constitution of the skin due to a buildup of fat in the fat cells, also known under the scientific name adipocytes. These are localized under the epidermis and the dermis, namely in the deep layer of the skin which is called the hypodermis.

how to fight cellulite at 55

When you are over fifty, it very often happens that this subcutaneous fat mass causes:

  • drainage that does not work well from the body area affected by cellulite. And this since the blood and lymphatic vessels crossing the hypodermis (the layer where the fat is located) are compacted by adipocytes.
  • A water retention process which can also lead to blood and lymphatic circulation problems. And as a result the increase in cellulite at age 55.

It exists different types of cellulite (fatty, watery or fibrous) and several stages of evolution (nascent, installed, fibrous). Know that it is essential to determine what type of cellulite you have. Indeed, each type of cellulite will have different recommendations and remedies to make it disappear.

The causes responsible for the arrival of cellulite at age 55

Cellulite at age 55 can develop as a result of various factors. So what are they?

  • The decrease in female hormones. Throughout life, the appearance of cellulite is favored by hormonal upheavals. This is how adolescence, pregnancy, taking a contraceptive pill and menopause are periods of life favorable to cellulite. At 55 years old, during or after menopause, the level of estrogen hormones drops sharply, which leads to greater storage of fat in adipocytes. To top it off, this will encourage water retention and toxins in the skin tissue. You will understand: the most favorable combo for the aggravation of cellulite.
  • The metabolism that slows down. At the age of 55, your body decreases in efficiency. Therefore, it is more difficult for him to build muscle but also to eliminate fat. Unfortunately, these two factors together promotes the development of cellulite. It is therefore essential that you adapt your lifestyle: move more, reduce caloric intake, and eat a healthy and balanced diet. In addition, after the age of fifty, the skin contains less collagen. As a result, this causes sagging skin tissue and makes cellulite more pronounced.
  • Greater water retention. As we get older, water retention in the body worsens. In fact, lymphatic and blood drainage is poorer and this promotes the development of aqueous cellulite. To avoid this, regular physical and sports activity is essential.
  • A healthy lifestyle that promotes cellulite. Having a healthy lifestyle is essential for avoid too much cellulite development at age 55. A poor diet, a sedentary lifestyle, not moving enough, the consumption of certain drugs, tobacco, and daily stress are all parameters that are likely to stimulate cellulite at your age.

Cellulite at 55: how to prevent it from getting worse?

If you want fade or even permanently eliminate your cellulite at age 55, it is essential that you understand by what form of cellulite you are affected. Indeed, in this way you will be able to find products, techniques or treatments which act effectively to combat it.

A healthy lifestyle to avoid cellulite at 55

  • Get regular physical activity . The sport practiced regularly will give you the means to maintain a healthy weight. But also to eliminate the fat which is in the fatty tissues, responsible for cellulite at 55. In addition, being active helps boost blood and lymphatic microcirculation. Water sports (swimming, aquagym, aquabike) and walking are the best ways to get rid of cellulite.
  • Drain areas of the body prone to cellulite. Massages / palpations have the power to dislodge fat, firm the skin and boost blood and lymphatic microcirculation. The use of an anti-cellulite cosmetic product will increase the effects of the massage. Be careful, for the massage to be effective, you will need to use the "palpate-roll" technique which consists of rolling a fold along the body part to be drained. To guide you know that many videos showing the technique exist on the web. You can also use a suction cup anti cellulite to more effectively dislodge cellulite at age 55.
  • A balanced food consumption. Respect a balanced diet, which contains vitamins, minerals, trace elements and low glycemic index. Watch out for meals that are too sweet, containing too much salt and saturated fat. It is best to avoid salt, industrial products and ready meals that are filled with them and that stimulate water retention. Prefer a vegetable diet rich in fiber, rather than animal which is too rich in toxins and saturated fats.
solutions against cellulite at 55
  • Try to avoid tobacco. Cigarettes accentuate blood circulation disorders and promote excess toxins in the skin that lead to the development of cellulite at age 55.
  • Hydrate well. Drink about 1,5l of water each day to stimulate drainage and for your body to be able to evacuate waste.
  • Sufficiently long sleep time. For your body to be able to regenerate, function normally, and drain the toxins responsible for the appearance of cellulite at age 55, it is essential to sleep at least 6 hours per night.

Effective treatments to fight cellulite at age 55

To eliminate cellulite after your fifties, you will need to use aesthetic and medical treatments. In most cases, they show impressive results. They clearly improve all forms of cellulite (watery, fatty and fibrous). Sometimes they even get rid of it altogether.

Devices for a home treatment against cellulite

There are a large number of home appliances designed to reduce cellulite at age 55. Depending on the type of cellulite, you will need to use very different devices:

  • If you have adipose cellulite (due to an accumulation of fatty cells) it will be necessary to dislodge the dimpling using pressure or vibrating massage a pair liposuction and therefore by vacuuming using a suction cup.
  • La watery cellulite is due to poor drainage (water retention, poor blood and lymphatic circulation). It will be impacted in particular by devices that will offer a draining massage (suction cup) and pressure, by the heat infrared and / or by electric drive.
  • La fibrous cellulite, almost impossible to eliminate, it will be necessary to stimulate the skin with the suction cup effect, to perform pressure and vibrating massages but also to use the electrical impulse.

Know that the price can vary from twenty euros to a hundred euros.

Medical or institute treatments: the most effective solution against cellulite

If you want the best results in reducing or removing cellulite at age 55, treatments carried out in beauty or medical centers will be the most effective. Before you can use it, you will need to consult a doctor or dermatologist specializing in the aesthetic field to obtain a personality opinion.

Below, discover a summary of our article on cellulite treatments.

Treatments carried out by medical professionals

Medical treatments are the most effective in reducing or destroying cellulite at age 55. Many techniques are available to you and their prescription will depend on your form of cellulite and its intensity. It may be the laser, radiofrequency, ultrasound, injections of substances, electrolipolysis, for the cryolipolysis or liposuction. The techniques will be more or less invasive and more or less expensive.
Le price of these treatments can range from 500 € up to 3000 €. Note: this financial cost includes the price of several sessions essential to obtain satisfactory results.

Treatments performed by beauty professionals

To remove cellulite at 55, aesthetic centers also have their share of treatments: manual lymphatic drainage, endermology, pressotherapy, PowerShape, BodySculptor or even TECHNISPA treatment. These treatments are effective mainly to promote lymphatic and blood circulation but also to visibly reduce cellulite by practicing the massage of palpate roll in a much more effective way. Some of these techniques are revolutionary such as the PowerShape developed to get rid of fibrous cellulite.
Le cost for these treatments performed by beauty professionals can vary from € 50 up to € 1500.

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