How to lose cellulite during menopause?

How to lose cellulite during menopause?

In addition to being a psychologically complicated period, menopause is accompanied by often gloomy side effects. Indeed, the body of the woman knows great upheavals. And among them, the appearance or the more important development of cellulite on the body. But keep your spirits up, there are solutions to alleviate it or get rid of it. So, learn in this article what to do to fight cellulite after menopause. To begin with, we will find out why cellulite happens to your body during menopause. After that you will find all the solutions available to you to eradicate dimpling during menopause.

Why does cellulite develop during menopause?

How is cellulite formed?

Cellulite, also known by other names such as orange peel or cellulite, occurs as a result of a change in the structure of the skin linked to a buildup of fat in the fat cells also called adipocytes which are located in the hypodermis, the deep layer of the skin.

When menopause arrives, this accumulation of subcutaneous fat will very often cause:

  • un poor drainage of the area affected by cellulite. And this because the blood and lymphatic vessels which circulate in the hypodermis are crushed by adipocytes.
  • Un water retention mechanism which may cause problems with blood and lymphatic microcirculation and consequently the development of cellulite during menopause.

The dimples tend to settle in the buttocks and legs (hips and thighs). And at menopause, cellulite also appears on the arms and stomach.

Will decline various types of cellulite (fatty, watery or fibrous) and various stages of development (young, installed, fibrous). Know that at menopause, your cellulite will surely become fibrous.

The causes responsible for the arrival of cellulite at menopause

what to do against cellulite during menopause

Orange peel can appear on the body at several stages in its life and can affect all body types: thin, overweight, muscular or not at all. This is explained because many factors are involved in the development of cellulite during menopause. Here they are :

  • The decrease in estrogen hormones due to menopause. Cellulite is influenced by the level of estrogen hormones. Thus, it manifests itself and generally develops during major hormonal upheavals such as adolescence, pregnancy, taking a contraceptive pill or menopause. As you enter the period of menopause, the level of osteogenic hormones decreases a little more each year. This has the effect of promoting the storage of fat in adipocytes. In addition, during menopause, the distribution of fat in the body changes and cellulite will therefore appear in new parts of the body such as arms and stomach.
  • Metabolic slowdown. Menopause is accompanied by a slowing down of the body. As a result, the body has a harder time shedding fat and building muscle. As a result, you will understand, this will promote weight gain and the development of cellulite. It will then be essential to have a healthy lifestyle, reduce your daily calorie intake and increase your physical and sports activity to burn fat. If you want to tone down, see eliminate your cellulite in your fifties, it will also be necessary to have recourse to specific treatments that we will see in the last part of this article.
  • A change in the constitution of the skin and greater water retention. As we age, the collagen present in the skin decreases and will cause the skin to sag. This has the consequence of making cellulite more marked. In addition, during menopause, water retention in the body worsens. This is usually due to poorer blood and lymphatic circulation.
  • A poor hygiene of life. During menopause, your body will tend to cope less well with a poor lifestyle. Thus, an unbalanced diet, a sedentary lifestyle, a lack of physical and sports activity, certain medications, smoking, and chronic stress are all causes that can stimulate cellulite during menopause.

Solutions to eliminate cellulite during menopause

To lose cellulite during menopause, you must first determine by what type of cellulite you are affected. Thus, you will be able to find effective solutions to combat it.

1 - Adapt your lifestyle against cellulite during menopause

  • Move. Regular physical activity will give you the means to save a healthy weight and eliminate the fat found in fatty tissues, responsible for the onset of cellulite during the menopause period. In addition, moving helps activate the blood and lymphatic microcirculation. The best sport against cellulite: the aquabike! But there are many others: swimming, walking, cycling, zumba and water aerobics are ideal.
  • Pay attention to your diet. Favor a good diet, rich in vitamins, minerals, trace elements and low glycemic index. Limit the consumption of overly sweet dishes and saturated fats (butters, animal fats, cold meats, etc.). Avoid consuming too much salt, industrial products and prepared meals which are garnished with it and which will promote water retention. Prefer a vegetable diet generous in fiber, rather than animal which contains a lot of toxins and bad fats.
solutions to lose cellulite during menopause
  • Drain areas of the body prone to cellulite. The massages will allow to dislodge the fat, tone, smooth the skin and stimulate blood and lymphatic circulation. The application of an anti-cellulite oil will increase the results of the massage. The most effective massages are the “palpate-roll” technique, which involves rolling a fold along the body area to be drained. To guide you, know that many videos showing the technique are available on the web. You can also use an anti-cellulite suction cup to get rid of cellulite even more effectively during menopause.
  • Remember to drink enough water. Drink at least 1,5l of water daily. Indeed, this improves drainage and evacuates toxins. In addition, be aware that after menopause, your body has more difficulty in hydrating. So do not hesitate to exceed the daily recommendation and instead drink 2l of water per day.
  • Watch out for cigarettes. Tobacco increases blood circulation problems and accentuates the accumulation of toxins in the body which lead to the greater development of cellulite during menopause.
  • Get enough sleep. In order for your body to recharge its batteries, be in good shape, and flush out the toxins responsible for worsening cellulite during menopause, it is important to get at least 6 hours of sleep every night.

2 - What are the effective treatments and devices against cellulite?

If you want to get rid of - or at least fade - your cellulite during menopause, you will necessarily have to use a home appliance or have recourse to treatments made by professionals. In most cases, these show impressive results. Indeed, they visibly improve all forms of cellulite (adipose, aqueous and fibrous).

Fight cellulite during menopause with homemade devices

There are a large number of home appliances allowing reduce cellulite during menopause. Depending on the type of cellulite (fatty, watery or fibrous), you will need to use very different devices:

  • If you have adipose cellulite (which occurs following a mass of fat in the adipocytes) you will have to dislodge the dimpling by using pressure or vibrating massagers and by liposuction and consequently by sucking using a suction cup.
  • La watery cellulite is linked to poor drainage (water retention, poor blood and lymphatic circulation). It will be stimulated in particular thanks to devices which will offer a draining massage (suction cup) and pressure, by infrared heat and / or by electrical impulse.
  • Finally, the fibrous cellulite, difficult to dislodge, it will be necessary to stimulate the skin with the suction cup effect, pressure and vibrating massages but also to use the electrical impulse.

Note: the price can vary from 20 euros to sometimes more than 100 euros.

Medical or institute treatments: the most effective solution against cellulite during menopause

To dislodge cellulite as effectively as possible after menopause, a large number of treatments carried out in beauty or medical centers can be considered. Whatever happens, it is advisable, before resorting to it, to consult a doctor or dermatologist specialized in the aesthetic field to obtain a personalized diagnosis.

Below, find an excerpt from our article on cellulite treatments.

Treatments carried out by medical professionals

Treatments carried out by medical professionals are the most effective in reducing or eliminating cellulite during menopause. Many techniques exist and their prescription will depend on your type of cellulite and its encrustation. It can be laser, radiofrequency, ultrasound, injections of substances, electrolipolysis, cryolipolysis or liposuction. The techniques will be more or less cumbersome and more or less expensive.
Le financial cost of these treatments can vary from 500 € up to 3000 €. Important: this cost includes the price of all the sessions necessary to obtain good results.

Treatments carried out by beauty institutes

To dislodge cellulite during menopause, aesthetic institutes also have their share of treatments: manual lymphatic drainage, endermology, pressotherapy, PowerShape, BodySculptor or even TECHNISPA treatment. These treatments are effective especially for boosting lymphatic and blood microcirculation but also for reducing dimpling by practicing palpate rolling massage much more effectively. Some revolutionary techniques such as PowerShape which will help dislodge fibrous cellulite.
Le financial cost for these treatments performed by beauty professionals can vary from € 50 up to € 1500.

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