What to do to eliminate cellulite at 20?

What to do to eliminate cellulite at 20?

The appearance of cellulite on your previously smooth skin is rarely good news. Very difficult for girls to take on, but also sometimes for some boys, can quickly become a source of complexes. Orange peel is all the more difficult to live with once summer returns and skirts and shorts are back in the game. Fortunately, do not worry too long, there are solutions to eliminate it. This is what we will see in our article of the day: what are the solutions to fight cellulite at 20? First we will find out why you see cellulite appearing at 20. In a second step, we will see the tips and solutions that exist to eliminate cellulite in your twenties.

Why do I have cellulite at 20?

Where does cellulite come from?

Cellulite, also famous by different names such as orange peel or cellulite, is the result of an alteration in the composition of the skin due to an accumulation of fat in the adipocytes (fat cells) that are found in the hypodermis.

This accumulation of fat in the skin tissue can lead to: 

  • poor drainage of the area affected by cellulitis, because the blood and lymphatic vessels crossing the hypodermis - the deep layer of the skin - are compressed by adipocytes.
  • A process of water retention which can cause problems with blood and lymphatic microcirculation and consequently the increase in development of cellulite at age 20.

what to do to remove cellulite at 20

Will decline various forms of cellulite (fatty, watery or fibrous) and different stages of development of the latter (nascent, installed, indurated). Know that at 20 years of age, your cellulite will very likely be in its infancy and in adipose or watery form. It will therefore be quite conceivable to eradicate it entirely by respecting our recommendations a little further down in this article.

Note that girls are more affected than boys since a woman's body has twice as many fat cells than a man's. This explains why it is 90% of women who will see cellulite form on their body. Nevertheless men are not spared, although it only affects about 2 in 100 men.

The factors that cause cellulite to form at 20

Orange peel can develop on your skin from various phases of your life and can affect all bodies: thin, round, athletic or not. This is because cellulite manifests itself as a result of two main causes: heredity and hormones. However, it is important to note that other factors can cause the onset of cellulite at age 20. Here they are :

  • the female hormones. Cellulite in your twenties usually occurs during hormonal changes such as the end of puberty, pregnancy, or when taking hormonal contraception. Cellulite is then stimulated by the increase in the level of estrogenic hormones. These hormones activate adipocytes (fat cells) which will store more fat in the deep layer of the skin and promote the retention of water and waste in the body. That is to say the combo favorable to the formation of cellulite.
  • The genetic makeup. If the women in your family have cellulite, you are also more likely to have it on your body. At the same time, DNA characterizes us entirely, defines our metabolism and therefore the ability to burn more or less calories. Some people are then more prone than others to develop cellulite.
  • A poor hygiene of life. A poor diet, a sedentary lifestyle, a lack of physical and sports activity, the consumption of certain drugs, tobacco, and chronic stress are all factors that are likely toincrease cellulite at 20s. Note that contrary to popular thought, overweight does not have a major role in the appearance of cellulite. It will simply affect the more or less visible appearance of the granulated skin.

How to fight against the arrival of cellulite at 20?

To be able to completely get rid of cellulite at 20, it will be necessary that the latter be young, existing in small quantities and / or an identifiable parameter has led to its development (pregnancy, contraceptive pill, etc.). If your cellulite does not meet these criteria, it will still be possible to reduce it ; but also to smooth and firm your skin thanks to the intervention of several means that you will have to apply over the long term to have a result that lasts a long time. Discover them now.

Eliminate cellulite at age 20 with cosmetics and a suction cup

1 - Cosmetic products to fight cellulite

Cellulite products are the first treatments that you will need to use. Especially when it begins to form or when it is little marked and therefore not yet installed. Despite all care, for the products to be effective and for get rid of your cellulite entirely at 20, it will be necessary that:

  • The compounds contained in the cream, oil or cosmetic care have a good rate of penetration.
  • You applied your cosmetic cream daily.
  • You are doing a massage when you apply it.
  • And finally, that you be vigilant with your hygiene of life.

Comment: If you can choose, use produced with 100% natural ingredients. These are not harmful to humans and are made with active ingredients extracted from plants which provide the best results on cellulite after 20 years.

We suggest the cosmetic product Lavera - Firming Body Lotion

cellulite at 20 the effective solutions

The reasons for adopting it?

One of the most natural cosmetic products to fight cellulite in your twenties: Vegan, certified organic, free from silicones, paraffins and mineral oils.
Rich in many plant extracts and organic vegetable oils and yet inexpensive.
Contains many ingredients known for their anti-cellulite virtues: Caffeine, Arabica coffee bean extract and lemon essential oil to name a few.
Has compounds that firm and tone the skin (extract of rosemary leaf, Camellia, cayenne pepper, grape etc.).

Please note: : it has essential oils. Not recommended for pregnant women and children up to the age of 12.
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If you want maximum effect, use your cream everyday by realizing Massages to feel-roll for a few minutes in areas predisposed to the arrival of cellulite at 20. This will make the skin firmer and boost the blood and lymphatic microcirculation.

2 - One of the most effective products against cellulite at 20: the suction cup

Along with home massage with your fingers, you can also use equipment such as a suction cup. It is one of the accessories that gives the best results to reduce or remove cellulite at 20. Made from hypoallergenic medical silicone, you can use it on all parts of the body prone to the appearance of cellulite in addition to an anti-cellulite oil or cream.

The latter is perfect for toning, smoothing and giving firmness to the skin, stimulating blood circulation and taking off fatty cells in order to reduce the orange peel effect. The anti-cellulite cup should be used between 5 and 10 minutes for each part of the body prone to cellulite.

After about 3 weeks, by using it every day, the first results can be seen: your skin is more toned and smoother, firmer and cellulite less visible.

We advise you The Cellublue brand suction cup against cellulite at 20

The reasons for adopting it?

French company pioneer in the production of anti-cellulite suction cups.
Established quality: dimension and template perfectly designed to suck your skin without letting in air, very solid and made of hypoallergenic medical silicone.
Reduces or eliminates the 3 types of cellulite: fatty, watery or fibrous.
Not to be discouraged, the Cellublue company offers an app to install on your phone: a real complement to remove your cellulite very easily and without dragging your cellulite at 20 years.

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You have been warned! : The cellulite suction cup must be used with oil so that the accessory glides better on your skin but also that it has better effectiveness against cellulite at age 20 thanks to the components that the oil has. Some brands sell them in the market as a kit and this is usually cheaper. We recommend you the Duo Cellu-cup pack. The oil does not penetrate quickly to last the massage time. On the other hand, its formulation contains 97% organic compounds, it has an absolutely sublime smell, the anti-cellulite suction cup is robust and its shape is perfect.

A healthy lifestyle against cellulite in your twenties

  • Burn fat while moving . The sport practiced regularly makes it possible to ensure the conservation of a healthy weight. But also to eradicate the fat in the form of lipid, responsible for the arrival of cellulite after 20 years. What's more, being active is a great remedy for boosting blood and lymphatic circulation. Water sports (swimming, aquagym, aquabike) are the best for getting rid of cellulite.
  • Eat well. Eat a balanced diet filled with vitamins, minerals, trace elements and a low glycemic index. Watch out for meals that are too high in refined sugar, contain too much salt and are too fat. It will be necessary to avoid salt, industrial products and prepared meals which are garnished with it and which promote water retention. Choose a plant-based diet rich in fiber, rather than an animal diet that contains a lot of waste and saturated fat.

Treatments to eliminate cellulite at 20

  • Drain areas of the body prone to cellulite. Massages help loosen fat, tone and smooth the skin and improve blood and lymphatic microcirculation. The use of an anti-cellulite cosmetic product makes it possible to amplify the effects of massage. Be careful, for the massage to be effective, you will need to use the “palpate and roll” technique. This technique consists of rolling a fold along the area to be drained. you can find many tutorials on the web. You can also use an anti-cellulite suction cup to remove cellulite more effectively at age 20.
  • Drink enough. Drink at least 1,5l of water daily to stimulate drainage, so that the body can flush out toxins, and finally, your body works as efficiently as possible.
  • Pay attention to your sleep. So that your body can rejuvenate, be in good shape, and evacuate the waste responsible for the accumulation of cellulite at 20 years, it is advisable to get at least 6 hours of sleep per night and at best 8 hours.
  • Healthy lungs. Tobacco promotes blood circulation disorders and increases the excess of toxins in the body that cause the appearance of cellulite at 20 years.

Treatments to fight cellulite when you are 20

The methods and solutions discussed above are the cheapest and least invasive. They will essentially alloweradicate cellulite at age 20 that is not very visible or present in small quantities.

However, if these solutions do not work, it will be necessary to have recourse to heavier treatments. In most cases, they provide amazing results. They visibly fix and sometimes even eliminate all types of cellulite (watery, fatty and fibrous). 

1 - Fight against cellulite at 20 with a home appliance

There are many home appliances which allowreduce cellulite in your twenties. Depending on the type of cellulite (fatty, watery or fibrous), you will need to use a certain type of device:

  • If you have adipose cellulite (due to a clump of fatty cells) you will have to dislodge the cellulite by using pressure or vibrating massagers and by liposuction and consequently by sucking thanks to a suction effect.
  • La watery cellulite is due to poor drainage (water retention, poor blood and lymphatic circulation). This cellulite will be eliminated in particular thanks to devices which will provide a draining massage (suction cup) and pressure, by infrared heat and / or by electric pulse.
  • Finally, the fibrous cellulite is almost impossible to eliminate. It will therefore be necessary to stimulate the skin with the suction cup effect, to perform pressure and vibrating massages but also to use the electrical impulse.

Note: their price can vary from 20 euros to sometimes more than 100 euros.

2 - Treatments carried out by specialists against cellulite

To get rid of cellulite for sure at 20, several aesthetic or medical treatments can be considered. In any case, before you can use it, you will need to consult a doctor or dermatologist specialized in the aesthetic field to have a personality opinion.

Below, discover a summary of our article on cellulite treatments.

Professional medical treatments

Treatments performed by medical professionals are the most effective for blurring or removing cellulite at 20 years. Many techniques are available to you and their prescription will depend on your form of cellulite and its encrustation. It may be the laser, radiofrequency, ultrasound, injections of substances, electrolipolysis, for the cryolipolysis or liposuction. The techniques will be more or less intrusive and more or less expensive. The price of these treatments can range from 500 € to 3000 €. Note : this cost includes the price of all sessions needed to achieve results.

Professional aesthetic treatments

To remove cellulite at 20, beauty centers also have their say in terms of effective treatments: manual lymphatic drainage, endermology, pressotherapy, PowerShape, BodySculptor or even TECHNISPA treatment. These treatments are recommended primarily to improve lymphatic and blood circulation. But also to attenuate the orange peel aspect by practicing the massage of palpating roll in a much more effective way. Some revolutionary techniques such as PowerShape which helps to dislodge fibrous cellulite. The financial cost for these treatments carried out in institutes can range from € 50 up to € 1500.

All of these treatments will be supervised by medical or wellness professionals: aesthetic centers, aesthetic medicine practices, specialized beauty establishments, physiotherapy practices, institutes, specialized centers, medical professionals, plastic surgeons, etc.

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