What is the lifespan of a solid shampoo?

What is the lifespan of a solid shampoo?

Solid shampoo can seem like a big investment compared to its small size. But don't get me wrong, their small size is deceptive: on average, the life of a solid shampoo is longer than a conventional liquid shampoo! In addition, they have the advantage of concentrating very high quality ingredients! So you do your hair good, as well as your wallet!

In this article, we will first determine the shelf life and shelf life of your solid shampoo and the factors on which it will depend. Then, in a second step we will see how to make your solid shampoo last longer. 

How long does a solid shampoo last? 

How long does a solid shampoo last?

Several factors will determine the duration of your solid shampoo. We will see the main parameters that determine it, namely its quantity and quality.

The shelf life of a solid shampoo depends on its weight.

It is important to note that solid shampoos have very different sizes and therefore have different weights. Solid shampoos can weigh 25 grams to 100 grams. Most of them weigh between 55 grams and 70 grams. This is obviously the first factor that will determine the duration of your solid shampoo.

It is difficult to give an indication of the duration in time of your solid shampoo in number of weeks or month. Indeed, it will depend on other factors: the number of people who use it, the number of shampoos per week carried out and the nature of your hair (long, short, thick, fine hair, etc.). A solid shampoo can therefore last 3 weeks as well as 6 months. Therefore, we will compare how long does a solid shampoo last in terms of how much washing you realize with and in comparison with liquid shampoos

  • A solid shampoo from 25 grams will have a relatively short lifespan. It is equivalent to less than 200ml of solid shampoo. So how much washing for that solid shampoo? Less than thirty. Its main advantage is its size, it does not take up space and therefore it can be transported easily and anywhere. It is ideal for travel, sports, or weekends to avoid clutter. We can therefore say that it is economical and practical! 
  • A solid shampoo between 55 grams and 70 grams a long shelf life. These solid shampoos allow you to do between 30 and 40 washes. One 55 gram solid shampoo is equivalent to using just over a bottle and a half of liquid shampoo. As long as that of 65 grams, it is equivalent to using about 2 bottles of liquid shampoo. 
  • A solid shampoo from 85 grams has relatively long duration in time. It allows you to do between 40 and 60 shampoos. That's more than with 2 bottles of liquid shampoo. This average was observed in use, compared to 2 bottles of 250ml liquid shampoo. An 85g bar of soap is therefore equivalent to a little more than 500 ml of liquid shampoo.
  • Finally, solid shampoos between 90 grams and 100 grams have a very long shelf life. So, how much washing for that solid shampoo? They allow you to do 60 to 80 hair washes, which is equivalent to 3 bottles of conventional shampoo!

I feel that depending on the brand, some solid shampoos which nevertheless have the same grammage, will last longer or shorter. It depends on their composition which is not identical from one product to another. Do not hesitate to look at the product sheets in detail for bar shampoos. Indeed, very often brands communicate on how much washing can be done with the solid shampoo in question. 

Obviously, the references indicated above are given only as an indication. The lifetime your solid shampoo also depends on your use, of your preservation, of your hair type (long or short hair, thick, fine ...), from the brand and finally his quality.

The shelf life of a solid shampoo depends on its quality.

How to recognize a qualitative shampoo? It is the composition of the ingredients in a solid shampoo that often justifies a better guarantee of quality. Their properties can be more or less nutritious and / or moisturizing. These ingredients to compare are: vegetable oils, vegetable butters, and Ayurvedic, mineral or vegetable powders. You can also compare if there are ingredients added to the basic formulation such as essential oils, proteins, phytokeratin ...

How the quality of solid shampoo affects its duration? The advantage of a solid shampoo qualitative is that it requires you to use less shampoo with each wash. Indeed, it will give you better results when it comes to cleaning and caring for your hair than a low-end shampoo. You will consume less and it will last longer in time. Plus, you won't need conditioner to nourish and beautify your hair because a qualitative solid shampoo is already provided with very nutritious and moisturizing components. This is one less investment to take into account! Finally, a qualitative solid shampoo,  crumbles less and shelf life will therefore be longer.

The price of a solid shampoo is often between 5 and 15 euros. At first glance these prices may seem high for a shampoo, yet they are not that expensive… As we have seen previously, the use of a solid shampoo allows many washes and is equivalent to several bottles of liquid shampoo. Additionally, you will notice that the first component of a conventional shampoo is water while solid shampoo lacks it. Solid shampoo is therefore more qualitative and less expensive over time than liquid shampoo. 

We have seen how long solid shampoo can last. As well as how much washing a solid shampoo allows. We are now going to give you tips so that your solid shampoo lasts longer over time.

How to increase the duration of a solid shampoo?

Shelf-life-and-shelf-life-solid shampoo

Your use of solid shampoo will have an impact on its conservation and therefore on its duration over time.

How long can a solid shampoo be used for? A pebble can be used for several weeks, or several months without any fears. But the lifespan of the solid shampoo will then be up to you. It will arise from thetreatment intensity and the mode of preservation that you reserve for him. To make your brand new solid shampoo last longer, here are the things you need to know:

  • Strong shampoo does not hardly foam because it is devoid of chemical foaming agents. It is therefore not worth putting too much on pain of reduce the life of your solid shampoo! Just rub the pebble on your hands. We wet it beforehand to get it to lather a little. Then, it is applied directly to the head and rubbed. Leave on for a few seconds or better, a few minutes. And we rinse thoroughly. A small amount of shampoo is therefore sufficient to thoroughly clean your hair, especially if you have fine or fragile hair.

If you want find or make a solid shampoo that foams it's here!

  • The solid shampoo is shaped by hand and does not have no preservative. You must therefore let it dry between two uses and keep it away from humidity because otherwise bacteria can develop and render your shampoo unusable. For a longer shelf life of your solid shampoo it is therefore relatively simple: you have to leave it dry! 
  • La duration of a solid shampoo will be increased if it is not exposed to humidity and splashing water. In this way he keeps his solidity. In this case, it becomes soft and it becomes very complicated to use. For increase the duration of your solid shampoo, and keep it as well as possible, find him adequate storage. Put it in a box (soap box if possible), on a soap dish, or on a dish. Then place it in a corner of the bathroom, avoiding contact with water as much as possible. Again, your best bet is to store it somewhere where it can dry out. Your solid shampoo will thus keep its solidity and firmness and you will be able to make it last for many months. 

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