Acne at 21, causes and solutions to eliminate it

Acne at 21, causes and solutions to eliminate it

The appearance of pimples is never a pleasant surprise. And all the more so when they come to annoy us after a certain age. This is your case, since at 21, you notice that they come to take possession of certain parts of your face. But why do they appear or develop so late? And how to remove acne at 21? This is what we will see today in this article. At first we will see why you have acne at 21. Then we will see the tips, solutions and treatments that exist to fight acne at 21.

The causes responsible for the development of acne at age 21

How does acne appear?

Acne is a pathology of the skin, characterized by the manifestation of pimples, blackheads or microcysts. If you have pimples, it will be called inflammatory acne. We will speak of retentional acne when there is presence of blackheads and microcysts.

This skin disease of acne is the fault of hyperseborrhea. In other words, the sebaceous glands in the skin produce too much sebum (the natural oil of the skin which has the role of moisturizing and protecting it from external aggressions). Unfortunately as a result of this the skin will become more oily and acne prone. At the same time, this excess of sebum encourages the spread of bacteria naturally present in the skin. And the latter then cause inflammation which develops physically by the formation of buttons.

There are several stages of acne that we will recognize by taking into account the number of pimples: mild acne when there are few pimples and / or when they appear infrequently. Severe acne when the individual has a lot of pimples. And finally the moderate acne which is between the two stages.

Why do I have acne that appears at age 21?

Contrary to what one might think, acne can appear at any time of life. Know that about 80% of people will be affected by acne during their lifetime. However, she is more likely to reach adolescence, around the age of 13. And in most cases it fades around the age of 20.

Also note that late acne or also named adult acne exists. It may have started in adolescence and continue or start after your twenties. Whatever happens, we will talk about late acne once past the twenties and therefore at 21 years. In the case of adult acne, the location of the pimples is in most cases on the lower part of the face (chin, jaws and neck). It will also have a better chance of developing in women who experience hormonal upheavals throughout life (hormonal contraception, pregnancy, menopause, menstruation, etc.). acne 21 years old what to do

So why do you have late-onset acne? What are all the factors that promote acne at age 21?

Hormones. It is highly likely that your acne that starts at age 21 is hormone-related. Indeed, up to 25 years, hormones are not stable and experience fluctuations related to menstruation, body building, or hormonal contraception. Sometimes hormonal problems (concern about the functioning of the ovaries or adrenal glands) can also cause acne. However, this is relatively rare and is usually accompanied by other symptoms such as hair growth or irregular periods. Other factors can also accentuate or cause the onset of acne at age 21:

  • Hygiene of life. Lifestyle habits (poor diet, stress, lack of trace elements or vitamins, alcohol consumption, poor sleep, etc.) can accentuate acne.
  • Poor skin hygiene. In this case, poor skin hygiene will not cause acne but simply increase its severity. Indeed, if the pores of your skin are blocked, retentional acne, in particular, is more likely to form. As a result, pollution, make-up, greasy or comedogenic beauty products, etc. are just as many elements which can disturb the sebum exit opening and consequently worsen acne at 21 years old.
  • Taking certain medications.
  • Frictions (surgical masks, scarves, coat that rubs, etc.) can amplify the formation of pimples.
  • Perspiration abundant and recurrent which increases the multiplication of bacteria and therefore acne.

Solutions to eradicate acne at 21

As we have just seen, theacne at 21 is mainly the result of hormonal variations. It will therefore be very complicated to get rid of it entirely, even though heavy treatments do happen. If you have pimples located on only one part of the body, it will be possible to restrict their spread thanks to preventive tips and cosmetics specific against acne.

Prevention to prevent acne from getting worse

Adopt a healthy lifestyle

Even if acne at 21 is generally of hormonal origin, it can happen that a healthy lifestyle worsens your case. Indeed, our metabolism and our skin appear to be intimately linked. In other words, everything that will happen inside our body will have an effect on the external state of our body. A number of lifestyle habits can therefore amplify the proliferation of buttons at 21 years.

  • Pay attention to your eating habits. It is better to avoid excessively fatty food and ready-made meals, fast food, sodas, pastries, etc. which are filled with saturated fatty acids and which will therefore activate the conception of sebum. Conversely, choose the consumption of fresh foods such as fruits and vegetables which are full of vitamins, minerals, trace elements and antioxidants. Finally, choose a plant-based diet rather than an animal diet that is particularly rich in toxins and pro-inflammatory.
  • Remember to drink at least 1,5l of water per day to be able to hydrate your skin and limit acne.
  • Limit your alcohol intake. The latter is processed and evacuated by the liver, the organ that cleanses the body. When it is congested, it can no longer eliminate toxins and this will increase the formation of acne at age 21.
  • Tobacco should be avoided, which increases the presence of toxins in the body, clogs the pores of the skin and contributes to the deterioration of the condition of the skin.
  • Wash yourself quickly after sweating to prevent bacteria from growing.
  • Try to wear clothes that are not close to the body as much as possible to avoid chafing and sweating.

Take care of your skin

Beyond an irreproachable hygiene of life, the hygiene of the skin is also essential for decrease the appearance of acne at age 21. We advise you to respect a certain number of customary conditions:

  • Remove impurities from your skin daily in the morning and evening before bedtime with mild soap, lotion or cosmetic, and avoid the use of oily cosmetics.
  • Avoid touching, scratching or piercing your pimples which could become infected and cause scarring.
  • Try not to shave your hair too regularly. Indeed, this can sometimes cause inflammation in the skin where the button in question is located and therefore the arrival of more buttons. Do not apply too much aftershave that contains too much alcohol.
  • Remove makeup automatically before going to sleep. Do not use heavy, viscous, or thick foundation that clogs the skin pores.
  • If possible, avoid bangs and locks hairstyles that prevent sweat from wicking away and keep the skin from breathing.
  • Watch out for the sun which dries out the skin and accentuates the formation of pimples at age 21.

What solutions to achieve eradicate acne at 21?

The preventive actions that we have just seen in the previous part are already a good start to treat and eliminate acne at age 21. However, if nothing helps and you do not detect any changes in your acne, other more or less serious treatments may be available to you.

Natural to fight acne and pimples at 21

The remedies that we recommend here consist in adopting gels, lotions, oils, creams or even soaps which are not considered as medicinal products and which make it possible to reduce acne and pimples gently.

First, choose cosmetic products non-comedogenic, which contain water and not oil. Apply a moisturizing treatment (cream or serum) which is suitable for your skin type (oily, dry, normal skin). Indeed, acne-prone skin can be dehydrated and this promotes pimples, especially when you are 21 years old. In the event that you have an oily skin nature, adopt mattifying creams that will absorb the sebum.

Wash your skin every day in the morning and in the evening before going to bed, using a mild neutral pH soap, lotion or a mild cosmetic. We recommend you goat's milk soap which in many cases works wonders to cure acne and pimples at age 21.

We recommend you Goat's milk soap from the Savonnerie du Regagnas brand

acne at 21 the solutions to remove it

Why should I buy it?

Extra soft, it is suitable for the whole family: toddlers and sensitive skin.
The ingredients are natural and organic, it is formulated without allergens and without petrochemicals (toxic to the skin).
Rich in organic goat's milk: 20% of the total of its formulation.
Cold saponified, it contains only natural ingredients and it does not contain any sulfate (active ingredient that irritates the skin).

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Finally, do some absorbent and purifying masks with green clay once a week. The clay cleanses and absorbs excess sebum in a natural way. Leave the mask on for about 10 minutes, no more to prevent it from making your skin dry. In addition, if you wish you can add to your mask one or two drops of essential oil of Tea Tree, excellent for drying out acne pimples more quickly at 21 years old.

The products we suggest to you:
- Optimal quality organic green clay - Bioflore - 250g
- Organic Tea Tree essential oil - Mycosmetik - 5ml

Prescription treatments

To fight mild acne at 21, the most common treatments will be in the form of a cream and therefore in local external application. There are two well-known treatments which are benzoyl peroxide and retinoids. This will be prescribed after consultation with a health professional (doctor or dermatologist).

If you don't have acne moderate ou strict, in these cases and under the validation and monitoring of a health professional; you may need to use antibiotics. In case you are a woman taking a contraceptive pill may also be an option.

If your acne at age 21 bothers you physically or mentally, do not hesitate to make an appointment with a doctor, a dermatologist or a naturopath who will be able to guide you and administer the solutions that suit you.

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