Baldness at 20, what to do?

Baldness at 20, what to do?

It is never good to see that baldness may be on the way. And especially when it appears while you are still in your prime. Indeed, it usually starts around the thirties, but it can sometimes happen that it points the tip of its nose much more prematurely. Although it does not represent any danger to health, it can become a source of complexes and loss of self-esteem. This is why we will see today how to curb or stop baldness at 20? In the first part, discover why baldness occurs at 20 years. Then then we will find out all the solutions available to you to fight baldness in your twenties.

What are the causes that trigger baldness at 20?

Baldness: what is it?

Generally referred to as male hair loss, androgenetic alopecia or more commonly called the baldness, generally appears in males and is related to genetics. In other words, it is generally passed on from father to son, or from grandfather to grandson. So it happens that if a male member of your family has had baldness, you are going to be more likely to contract it too. baldness at 20 what to do

Baldness at 20 is generally recognized by the localization of hair loss. Indeed, the latter disappear on the vertex, ie the area above the scalp. The hair begins to disappear generally all around the temporal gulfs or behind the head, at the level of the top. Be aware that the hair that is on the bottom of the head will not fall out due to genetic baldness because it is not subject to hormonal changes.

How does baldness develop in your XNUMXs?

As discussed previously, the onset of baldness at 20 comes from internal factors: genetic makeup and hormones (especially male). To be more precise, the development of baldness is to be attributed to the enzyme 5-alpha-reductase located in the scalp and Testosterone, an androgenic hormone (referred to as male). Their union produces dihydrotestosterone (DHT) which decreases the life cycle of a hair. The life cycle of hair in contact with DHT is far too sustained for its normal functioning. And this has the consequence of forcing the hair follicles to first produce down instead of hair, then not to produce any more at all.

To recap, baldness is linked to a special sensitivity to androgenic hormones, commonly referred to as male hormones, and to an enzyme that disrupts the hair's usual life cycle by triggering the depletion of hair follicles and therefore their inactivity in making hair.

Important: Baldness is absolute hair loss linked to hormones and genetics. Therefore, it is very complicated to treat. Know that other causes will be able to cause excessive hair loss (anxiety, environment, poor diet, etc.). Find all the possible causes that may be responsible forexcessive hair loss by clicking here.

Is it possible to have baldness at 20?

Baldness is likely to appear as early as puberty and therefore at age 20, although it only appears in 5% of boys before their twenties. Note that it begins in the vast majority of cases between the ages of 25 and 40 years. Finally, know that almost 50% of men have baldness after their fifties.

Nevertheless, there may be many causes that trigger hair loss at 20 years and that are lucky to be easily treated. Therefore, you may not have genetic baldness. We advise you to call your doctor for an in-depth analysis of your health and to determine if you have possible deficiencies that encourage hair loss (deficiency of iron, vitamins, minerals, etc.). For an even more in-depth assessment, you can also make an appointment with a dermatologist. The latter may carry out an external examination of your scalp. In this way you will be able to tell if your excessive hair loss is attributable to genetic baldness or other factors.

Cellulite at 20: how to prevent its development?

The onset of genetic baldness at age 20 occurs because of intrinsic factors. This is why, to slow down, or even in the best case scenario, block excessive hair loss, it will be necessary to use methods that act on the internal problem of the body. So don't expect to solve your baldness problem effectively with the help of the use of shampoos or lotions as many brands would like to believe. So, in this second part of the article, we offer you the remedies that have real efficiency on your baldness problem at 20.

Treatments to slow baldness at 20

1 - Food supplements

Note that the vast majority of food supplements are designed to correct one or more dietary deficiencies. However, if you have androgenetic alopecia and therefore the onset of baldness at 20, standard dietary supplements for deficiency hair loss will not be able to resolve the concern. Indeed, the latter are formulated with minerals and vitamins with which the hair is nourished in order to be stronger and to maintain good health. But they didn't work on the real problem of genetic baldness, namely hormones. Therefore, you should therefore use food supplements capable of giving results on hormonal concerns. In order to respond as precisely as possible to your needs, do not hesitate to seek advice from a general practitioner or a pharmacist.

We suggest the food supplement Bio 5 - hair loss against baldness at 20 years

20-year-old baldness effective solutions

The reasons for adopting it?

  • Effective on androgenetic hair loss and therefore baldness at 20 years
  • Composed of ingredients of 100% natural origin, from organic farming, and without components toxic to humans
  • Provides a clear reduction in loss as early as 6 to 8 weeks after starting treatment
  • Made with ingredients known to block DHT
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For real effectiveness, you must take food supplements diligently and at least for 3 months.

You have been warned! : This food supplement is an excellent remedy to limit hair loss and especially premature baldness. However, baldness is written in your genetic code. You will therefore have to, in the long term, use more important treatments to slow down or significantly stop baldness.

2 - A local external application to fight baldness at 20 years old

Le Minoxidil, dosed at 2 or 5%, is a product that is used in local application on the scalp, on the parts prone to hair loss. It is an excellent remedy for clearly slow down hair loss. It also helps encourage regrowth even when you have androgenic alopecia. It may take several months for the first effects to appear and it can only be used on men.

It is important to note that in some relatively rare cases, this lotion can cause side effects like minor skin reactions, excessive hair growth or pain in the rib cage. We therefore strongly advise you to consult your doctor before purchasing this medication.

3 - Oral treatment to curb baldness in your twenties

Le Finasteride (Propecia) is designed to be taken by mouth. It is a treatment which is therefore prescribed by a doctor. To explain in a simple way how it works, it works by inhibiting the enzyme 5-alphareductase and therefore it reduces the DHT level which causes baldness at 20. Result: hair loss is truly reduced and hair regrowth is boosted. Studies show that after 5 years of use, 90% of men have stabilized hair loss, and 65% even see regrowth.

Note that for rare individuals taking this medication, they may see side effects such as psychiatric concerns (anxiety, mood swings, depression) and / or sexual concerns (low libido, disturbances in erection).

4 - Natural active ingredients to fight the onset of baldness at 20 years old

Herbal medicine is the medicinal treatment that uses plants and natural active ingredients. And some plants have anti-hair loss properties.

  • The vegetal oils can be used when you have a onset of baldness at 20. 100% natural, theCastor oil will be the most effective. The latter has the power to dope the hair follicles in order to reduce hair loss. Be careful, however, with false expectations, it is an excellent remedy to save a little time, but unfortunately it will not be able to stop your genetic baldness.
  • Some essential oils also have valuable virtues to combat twenties baldness. For example, the essential oil of Atlas cedar will be the most effective because it contains a compound that slows down hair loss. To apply it, mix it into your usual shampoo dose of 2 or 3 drops.

the causes of baldness in your twenties

A gentle treatment: hair light therapy

What is hair light therapy? It is a gentle and painless treatment designed to combat the problem of hair falling out in men and women. This remedy is suggested in particular in the case where you are suffering from androgenetic alopecia and therefore baldness. It is a painless laser procedure that sends cold light rays directly onto the scalp. This has the consequences of stopping hair loss, boosting hair growth and increasing their density through the lumen which is collected by the hair follicles. The great thing about this remedy is that it doesn't require surgery.

Hair transplant: the ultimate camouflage

When you have a baldness at 20, your hair will undoubtedly end up being totally bald. The remedies discussed earlier in this article are designed primarily to save time over time. However, once the hair has completely fallen out, you can then opt for the hair transplant. The hair transplant (or hair implant) will obviously be validated and performed by a specialized surgeon. It is best to wait until your XNUMXs before doing it. This will involve performing a hair implantation in your scalp, where your hair has fallen out. You will be able to see the final result often a year after the operation.

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