Baldness at 30, the causes and solutions

Baldness at 30, the causes and solutions

Baldness is unfortunately a fatality for many men, sometimes even for some women, and at any age it is never easy to accept that it is in the process of manifesting itself. In most cases, it kicks in around your XNUMXs and although it is benign for your health, it can really be uncomfortable and lead to loss of self-confidence. That's why to prevent this from happening, we will see today all the solutions to fight against baldness at 30. First, find out the causes that explain why baldness starts in your 30s. Then, discover the solutions to slow down or block baldness at age XNUMX.

Why am I balding at 30?

What is baldness?

Landrogenetic alopecia or more commonly called the baldness, occurs in most cases in males and is linked to genetic makeup. Usually it is therefore passed on from father to son, or from grandfather to grandson. It therefore happens that if your male genealogy has a tendency to have genetic alopecia, and therefore baldness, you are unfortunately more likely to have it too.

To recognize the onset of baldness at age 30, you should refer to the localization of hair loss. Indeed, the hair disappears on the vertex, that is to say the upper part of the skull. The hair usually begins to fall all around the temporal gulfs or at the top of the head. Be aware that the hair on the bottom of your head will not fall out if you have genetic baldness because it is not subject to hormonal changes.

baldness at 30 what to do

You should know that the onset of baldness manifests itself in the majority of cases between the ages of 25 and 40. Also note that almost 50% of men have baldness after 50 years.

What internal process triggers baldness at 30?

As previously described, the development of baldness in your XNUMXs comes from internal factors: genetics and hormones. To be more precise, the development of baldness is linked to the enzyme 5-alpha-reductase which is found in the scalp and the Testosterone, an androgenic hormone (male). Their mixture emits dihydrotestosterone or better known as DHT which speeds up the hair cycle. The life cycle of hair in contact with DHT is much faster than its normal functioning; and this forces the hair follicles to first make thinner and shorter hair, and then not to make any at all.

More briefly: baldness is linked to a specific receptivity to male hormones and to an enzyme that disrupts the natural hair cycle by causing the exhaustion of the hair follicles and therefore causing their inability to produce hair.

To take into consideration: The baldness we are talking about is linked to androgenetic alopecia, so it is absolute hair loss linked to hormones and heredity. As a result, she is very difficult to treat. Know that other causes are able to cause alopecia (emotional shock, attack on the scalp, poor nutrition etc.). Discover all the possible causes that can explain significant hair loss in this article.

How to slow down or stop baldness at 30?

The onset of baldness at age 30 manifests itself as a result of internal factors. So, in order to slow down, or even in the best case, block the abnormal hair loss, it is fundamental to employ methods which act on the internal dysfunction. It is therefore an illusion to hope to solve the problem of androgenetic alopecia with shampoos or lotions as some companies would like to make people dream. This is why we will see in the following part the treatments that have a real influence about your XNUMX-something baldness.

Home treatments to slow baldness at age 30

1 - Food supplements that act on baldness

You should know that the majority of food supplements have the functionality to compensate for one or more dietary deficiencies. However, in the event that you have androgenetic alopecia and therefore a beginning of baldness at 30, common deficiency hair loss supplements will not be able to solve the problem. Indeed, these consist of minerals and vitamins that the hair requires to be stronger and maintain good health. But they don't work on the real problem of genetic baldness: hormones. This is why, you will have to orient yourself towards the food supplements capable of giving results on hormonal concerns. In order to guide you as well as possible, do not hesitate to seek advice from a general practitioner or a pharmacist.

We recommend you the food supplement Bio 5 - hair loss against baldness at 30 years

effective solutions against baldness at 30

What are the reasons for adopting it?

  • Acts on androgenetic hair loss and therefore baldness at 30 years old
  • Completely natural, certified organic, and contains no toxic ingredients for the body
  • Provides a clear reduction in loss as early as 6 to 8 weeks after starting treatment
  • Formulated with ingredients that block DHT
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For real effectiveness, you must take food supplements diligently and at least for 3 months.

You have been warned! : This product will give you the means to limit hair loss and especially premature baldness. With that said, baldness is written into your metabolism. You will therefore have to, eventually, switch to the use of heavier treatments to significantly slow down or neutralize baldness.

2 - Minoxidil

Le Minoxidil, dosed at 2 or 5%, is a product that is used in local external application, in places where hair falls out. This product allows visibly limit baldness and to boost regrowth even if you have androgenic alopecia. It all depends on the individual, but it may take several months before you notice the first effects. Only the male sex can use it.

Warning: be aware that for some people this lotion can cause side effects such as, among others, minor skin effects, excessive hair growth or chest pain. We recommend that you seek the advice of your doctor before using this product.

3 - Finasteride

Le Finasteride (Propecia) is used orally. It is a treatment which is therefore prescribed by a doctor. It works by inhibiting the enzyme 5-alphareductase and therefore decreases the DHT rate guilty of baldness at 30. Result: hair loss is considerably slowed down and hair growth is encouraged. Studies show that after 5 years of use, 90% of men have stabilized hair loss, and 65% even see regrowth.

Note that in a certain part of the individuals taking this medication, some of them see side effects such as psychiatric disorders (anxiety, mood swings, depression) and / or sexual problems (erectile dysfunction, decrease libido).

baldness in your thirties the causes

Hair light therapy to fight baldness in your thirties

What is hair light therapy? It is a gentle and harmless treatment designed to combat the worry of hair loss. It acts as well in men as in women. This treatment is particularly recommended if you are in the situation of androgenetic alopecia and therefore baldness. This is a painless process that is done with the help of a laser which will send cold light rays directly onto the scalp. This has the role of stopping hair loss, stimulating hair regrowth and increasing their density with the help of the light which is channeled through the hair follicles. The advantage of this remedy is that it does not require any surgery.

Hair transplantation to hide your hair loss

If you have an early baldness at 30, your hair will most likely inevitably become thinner. The remedies listed above have the function of saving time. However, when your hair has fallen out completely, you can then opt for the hair transplant. It will of course be validated and made by a health professional. This will involve carrying out a hair implantation in your scalp, in the places where your hair has fallen. The end result is usually seen after 1 year.

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