Baldness in a young person, the causes and solutions

Baldness in a young person, the causes and solutions

Baldness is a scourge feared by the vast majority of young men, and sometimes even in some young women. Indeed, although it appears normally after the thirties, it sometimes happens that it starts much earlier. In these cases, it is not easy to be among the first to encounter this problem. Because even if it is benign for health, it can truly be a source of self-deprecation and psychological and social suffering. This is why to prevent this from happening, we will see in this article what to do to fight baldness in a young person? First we will see the reasons why baldness appears when you are young. And then we will find out how to slow down or block baldness when you're still just a young woman or man.

Why do some young people have baldness?

Baldness: what is it?

Commonly referred to as male hair loss, baldness or its other name androgenetic alopecia, often occurs in men and is linked to male hormones and genetics. In other words, it is generally passed down from generation to generation. If it happens that your male relatives have a tendency to have baldness, you are going to have a better chance of contracting it as well.

The appearance of baldness in a young person -whether you are a young woman or a young man - in most cases you recognize yourself by the localization of hair loss. Indeed, the hair disappears on the vertex, ie the area above the scalp. They usually begin to fall at the level of the temporal gulfs or behind the head, at the level of the summit. Be aware that the hair that is on the bottom of the head will not fall out if you have genetic baldness as it is not found to be subject to hormonal variations.

baldness young boy what to do

What internal phenomenon causes baldness in a young person?

As mentioned previously, the onset of baldness while you are still young occurs as a result of internal factors: genetics and hormones. The real cause of the concern is due to the enzyme 5-alpha-reductase which localizes on your scalp and testosterone, an androgenic hormone or referred to as male. Their assembly reacts to produce dihydrotestosterone (DHT) which disrupts the life cycle of the hair. The life cycle of the hair is far too fast compared to its normal functioning, and this results in the exhaustion of the hair follicles and their inability to produce hair.

Important note: The baldness we are talking about is linked to androgenetic alopecia, so it is complete hair loss linked to hormones and heredity. As a result, it is very complicated to process. Know that different causes are able to generate excessive hair loss (anxiety, aggression on the scalp, poor diet, etc.) and even more in a young woman ! Discover all the possible causes that can explain excessive hair loss by clicking on this link.

Young and already baldness: is it possible?

Baldness can happen as early as adolescence and it is much more common among a young man. If you feel like you're the only one who has this happening, this is normal since it only affects 5% of young boys during this period. You should know that it appears for most men between the ages of 30 and 50 years. Note that approximately 50% of men have baldness after 45 years.

Having said that, there are various causes that can trigger hair loss when you are young. The good news is that these other causes have easy treatments. You may therefore not have androgenetic alopecia. We recommend that you consult your general practitioner in order to have a check-up of your health and to note if you have possible deficiencies that cause hair loss (iron deficiency, vitamins A or B, minerals etc.). You can also make an appointment with a dermatologist for an external analysis of your scalp. In this way you will be able to understand if your hair loss is related to genetic baldness or to other causes.

Baldness in a young person: how to slow down its development?

The onset of baldness in a young man or young woman occurs as a result of internal factors. Consequently, to decrease, or in the best case to stop the loss of too much hair, it will be necessary to employ methods which act on the internal problem. As you will have understood, it is therefore an illusion to have hope of resolving the problem of baldness effectively, through the use of shampoos or "hair loss" treatments, as many brands would like to conceive. . Discover in the second part of our article the solutions obtaining a real result on your baldness problem as a youngster.

However, important: some treatments can only be carried out after the age of about 18 years. And some anti-baldness treatments are not suitable for young women. We recommend that you seek advice from your GP, scalp specialist, or dermatologist to find a remedy that works for you.

What are the effective treatments for baldness as a young person?

1 - Food supplements that act on baldness in a young woman or young man

Note that most dietary supplements are designed to counteract one or more dietary deficiencies. However, in the event that you have androgenetic alopecia and suddenly start to baldness in a young, standard "hair loss" food supplements wishing to combat a deficiency will not be able to solve the problem. Indeed, the latter are composed of minerals and vitamins that the hair requires to be strengthened and to be in good health. But they have no effect on the real concern of genetic baldness: hormones. Therefore, you will need to take food supplements able to act on hormonal concerns. To help you, do not hesitate to seek advice from a general practitioner or a pharmacist.

Always take food supplements for at least 3 months for them to be truly effective.

We advise you to adopt the food supplement Bio 5 - anti-hair loss against baldness 

baldness young man what to do

Why adopt it?

  • Effective result on androgenetic hair loss and therefore baldness in a young man or woman
  • Formulated with 100% natural, organic ingredients and contains no toxic ingredients for the body
  • Composed of active ingredients that act directly to block the enzyme responsible for baldness
  • Provides a noticeable reduction in hair loss 6 to 8 weeks after starting treatment
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Annotation : This food supplement is an excellent remedy to curb hair loss and in particular premature baldness. That said, baldness is written in your DNA. In the long term, therefore, more powerful treatments will have to be used to considerably limit or stop baldness.

A local external application to fight baldness in a young boy

Le Minoxidil, dosed at 2 or 5%, is a lotion that is used in local external application to places which are prone to hair loss. This lotion will help visibly reduce baldness and stimulate regrowth even if you have androgenic alopecia. It takes a few months before you see the first effects and only men can use it.

You should be aware that in some relatively rare cases, this product may cause side effects such as minor skin reactions, excessive hair growth or pain in the rib cage. We recommend that you consult your doctor before using this treatment.

Comments : This lotion is reserved for adults and boys. You will therefore have to wait until the age of majority before you can use it.

Finasteride: a treatment to fight against baldness in a young man

Le Finasteride (Propecia) is to be taken by mouth. It is a drug that is prescribed. It works by inhibiting the enzyme 5-alphareductase and therefore reduces the DHT rate guilty of baldness. As a result, hair loss is greatly curbed and hair growth is stimulated. Studies show that after 5 years of use, 90% of men have stabilized hair loss, and 65% even see regrowth.

You should know that in rare cases, some people observe side effects such as psychiatric disorders (anxiety, mood changes, depression) and / or sexual concerns (erectile dysfunction, decreased libido).

Comments : This treatment is reserved for adults and humans. You will have to wait until the age of majority before using it.

baldness young man the solutions

Plants: a natural remedy to curb baldness as a young person

Herbal medicine, what is it? Quite simply, it is the therapeutic treatment which uses plants and 100% natural active ingredients. And that's good because several natural active ingredients have anti hair loss properties.

  • Vegetable oils can be used during a onset of baldness in a young person. Completely natural, theCastor oil is what you need. The latter has the power to boost the hair follicles in order to reduce hair loss. It will save a little time, but it will not be able to completely stop your androgenetic alopecia.
  • Essential oils also have certain properties against baldness in a young person. For example, the essential oil of Atlas cedar will be one of the best because it is enriched with an active slowing down hair loss. To apply it, mix it into your usual shampoo dose. Put 2 or 3 drops in it, mix and apply on the scalp.

A gentle treatment: hair light therapy

Hair light therapy is a gentle and harmless treatment. It helps fight against the worry of hair loss just as much at a young man than a young woman. This treatment is requested especially in the case where you are suffering from androgenetic alopecia and suddenly baldness. This is a painless treatment that is done using a laser, which will send rays of cold light to the scalp. This action aims to'' stop hair loss, promote hair regrowth and increase hair density through the lumen which is retained by the hair follicles. The advantage of this treatment is that it does not require any surgical intervention.

Hair transplant: the ultimate camouflage

In the event that you do have an early baldness while you are still young, your hair will most certainly fall out permanently. The remedies outlined above essentially save time over time. However, when your hair has fallen out completely, you can then opt for the hair transplant. It will of course be prescribed and validated by a specialized surgeon. It is better to wait until the age of 25 before using it. This will involve making a hair implantation in your scalp, at the level of the vertex. The final result is often seen after a year.

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