How to fight against cellulite after 60 years?

How to fight against cellulite after 60 years?

Despite what one might think, the development of cellulite on the body is not inevitable. And this is valid even after the sixties! Although it has an annoying tendency to worsen over time, there are solutions to counter it. So do not wait to act, find in this article how to prevent cellulite from getting worse after 60. First, find out why you have cellulite that appears or worsens at age 60. Then, discover the solutions that exist to dislodge cellulite after your sixties.

Why do I have cellulite after 60?

Where does cellulite come from?

Cellulite comes from a fat accumulation in adipocytes, the fatty cells of the skin. As they thicken, these fat cells deform the skin and take on a bumpy appearance that is often compared to orange peel. These fat deposits are also known as " dimples"

When you are in your sixties, this accumulation of subcutaneous fat often leads to:

  • a inefficient toxin evacuation of the area affected by cellulitis, because the blood and lymphatic vessels that circulate in the hypodermis (the layer where fat is located) are compressed by the fat cells.
  • Un water retention process which can also cause microcirculation disorders and therefore the appearance of cellulite after 60 years.
the causes of cellulite after 60

It is important that you note that there is various types of cellulite (fatty, watery or fibrous) and several stages of development (incipient, installed, indurated). When you are 60 years old, your cellulite will probably be fibrous and in the established or hard stage of development. Therefore, it will be more difficult to eliminate it completely. On the other hand, it will be quite possible to attenuate it as we will see in the second part.

Cellulite at 60: what are the factors that cause it to appear?

Orange peel can occur or develop more strongly on your skin at several stages of your life and can impact all body types: slim, round, athletic or not at all. This is explained quite simply because cellulite manifests itself due to various factors that are not only linked to weight gain. Here are all the factors that have an impact on the increase in the amount of cellulite after age 60:

  • The decrease in estrogen hormones linked to menopause. The appearance or worsening of cellulite is favored during major periods of hormonal changes. During puberty, pregnancy, taking a contraceptive pill or even menopause, cellulite tends to appear much more. After the sixties, and following menopause, the level of estrogen hormones decreases very sharply. This causes a greater storage of fat in adipocytes and the appearance of cellulite in other places of the body (the arms and stomach in particular).
  • Age-related slowing of metabolism. After the age of sixty, the metabolism tends to slow down and therefore lose efficiency. The body then loses muscle mass and has a harder time eliminating fat. In other words, a combination favorable to the development of cellulite. In addition, after 60 years, the skin contains less collagen. This has the effect of causing sagging skin tissue and making cellulite more visible.
  • Increased water retention. The more the years go by, the more water retention in the body tends to worsen. In fact, drainage and lymphatic and blood circulation become less efficient. This especially promotes the appearance or development of aqueous and fibrous cellulite. In order to prevent this phenomenon, it will be essential to move daily.
  • A healthy lifestyle that promotes cellulite. At any age, a healthy lifestyle is important. However, as you get older and your metabolism becomes less efficient, all bad lifestyle habits have direct consequences. Thus, a diet that is too fatty, sedentary lifestyle, lack of sport, the consumption of certain drugs, smoking, and stress are all causes that can activate cellulite after 60 years.

All the solutions to fight cellulite after 60 years

1 - Diet and hygiene advice to prevent cellulite in your sixties

  • Play sports. Frequent physical and sports activity will help keep your weight in shape and remove the fat found in the hypodermis, responsible for cellulite formation at age 60. What's more, moving is an excellent remedy for stimulating blood and lymphatic microcirculation and preventing water retention! The most effective sports against cellulite are: swimming, aquabike, water aerobics, cycling and walking.
  • Balance your diet. Favor a varied and balanced food consumption, which contains vitamins, mineral proteins, trace elements and especially low glycemic index. Avoid the consumption of too sweet, floury dishes and saturated fat. Also pay attention to salt which promotes water retention. Avoid industrial and processed foods and prepared meals that contain them. Prefer a diet that comes from plants and which is rich in fiber, rather than animal which is rich in toxins and bad fats.
  • Hydrate. Drink about 1,5l of water daily for better drainage, so that the body can flush out toxins and to boost your metabolism.
what to do to eliminate cellulite after 60 years
  • Daily massages. The massages allow to loosen the fat, tone, smooth the skin and activate the blood and lymphatic microcirculation. Applying an anti-cellulite cream or oil will amplify the effects of the massage. The most effective massages are the "palpate-roll" method by rolling a fold along the body area to be drained (to guide you, know that many videos showing the technique exist on the web). As seen previously, you can also use an anti-cellulite suction cup to eradicate cellulite more effectively at age 60.
  • Healthy lungs. Cigarettes accentuate blood circulation disorders and cause the accumulation of toxins in the skin responsible for worsening cellulite in your sixties.
  • Pay attention to your sleep time. So that your body can recharge its batteries and evacuate the waste responsible for the accumulation of cellulite after 60 years, it is essential to have a minimum of 6 hours of sleep each night.

2 - Treatments and devices to eliminate cellulite at age 60

If you want eliminate or at least reduce your cellulite after 60 years, it will be necessary to use home appliances or resort to treatments carried out in specialized centers. In the majority of cases, these present impressive results. They visibly improve all types of cellulite (aqueous, fatty and fibrous). Sometimes they even eliminate it altogether.

Eliminate cellulite after 60 years with home appliances

There are many home appliances that will allow you to reduce cellulite at age 60. Depending on the type of cellulite, you will need to use a certain type of device:

  • If you have adipose cellulite (linked to an accumulation of fatty cells) you will need to dislodge the cellulite using the pressure or vibrating massage a pair liposuction and therefore by aspiration of the skin using a suction cup.
  • La watery cellulite is linked to water retention and poor lymphatic and blood drainage. It will be eliminated in particular thanks to devices which will provide a draining massage (suction cup) and pressure, by the heat infrared and / or by electric drive.
  • La fibrous cellulite, difficult to dislodge, it will be necessary to stimulate the skin with the suction cup effect, to perform pressure and vibrating massages, but also to use the electrical impulse.

Note: the price can vary from around twenty euros to sometimes more than 100 euros.

solution against cellulite at 60

Eliminate cellulite thanks to treatments carried out by professionals

To most effectively dislodge cellulite after 60 years, a large number of treatments carried out in institutes or medical establishments can be envisaged. In any event, before you can use it, you will need to consult a doctor or dermatologist specialized in the aesthetic field to obtain a treatment which is adapted to you.

Below, find a summary of our article on cellulite treatments.

Medical treatments

The treatments performed by medical professionals are those with the best results to reduce or eliminate cellulite after 60 years. Many techniques are available to you and their prescription will depend on your type of cellulite and its amplitude. It may be the laser, radiofrequency, ultrasound, injections of substances, electrolipolysis, for the cryolipolysis or liposuction. The techniques will be more or less heavy and more or less expensive.
Le financial cost of these treatments can vary from 500 € to 3000 €. Precision: this cost is the price of all the sessions essential in order to obtain satisfactory effects.

Aesthetic treatments

To dislodge cellulite in your sixties, aesthetic centers also have their say in terms of effective treatments: manual lymphatic drainage, endermology, pressotherapy, PowerShape, BodySculptor or even TECHNISPA treatment. These treatments are effective mainly to promote lymphatic and blood circulation but also to reduce dimpling by using the massage technique of palpating and rolling in a much more efficient manner. Some revolutionary techniques such as PowerShape which will help dislodge fibrous cellulite.
Le cost for these treatments performed by beauty professionals can range from € 50 to € 1500.

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