Is it possible to have acne at 6 years old?

Is it possible to have acne at 6 years old?

While it is often seen as a teenager's concern, acne can form earlier. It is most certainly the situation of your daughter or your boy who observes the appearance of pimples or blackheads on their previously perfect skin. The reasons for its development do not necessarily mean that your child has serious health concerns. However, it will be necessary to carry out a health check-up to be sure that there are no hormonal problems that could lead to complications. In addition, being very complex for a girl or a boy of her age, we will do our best to answer the question: how to fight acne at 6 years old? First, learn the causes that explain why your child has acne at age 6. In a second step we will find out what to do against acne at 6 years old.

Acne at 6: is it possible?

How does acne appear?

Acne is a skin disease that is usually painless and harmless, recognizable by the appearance of pimples, blackheads or microcysts. When there are pimples, we talk about inflammatory acne. When there is presence of blackheads or microcysts we will speak of retentional acne.

This skin disease of acne is the fault of hypersecretion of sebum. That is to say, the sebaceous glands which are in the dermis, produce too much sebum. As a result, the skin becomes too oily and acne prone. Subsequently, this promotes the spread of bacteria naturally present in the skin. And these bacteria then cause inflammation that manifests itself physically by the arrival of buttons.

acne and pimples at 6 years old why and what to do

Are available 3 stages of acne that will be recognized by taking into account the number of buttons. We will talk about mild acne in the case where there are few buttons and / or they form infrequently. We will talk about severe acne if the child has many pimples. And finally we will talk about moderate acne which is localized between the two stages.

Annotation : The formation of pimples at 6 years old is not always the fault of acne. A skin disease, virus, bacteria or allergy may be causing pimples on your child's skin. This is because chickenpox, measles, rubella, scarlet fever, eczema or infection with molluscum contagiosum are diseases that can cause pimples to form. Note, however, that these pathologies are generally accompanied by other side effects. If in doubt, do not hesitate to consult a doctor.

The causes responsible for the appearance of acne at 6 years

Acne usually starts at the onset of puberty, around 11-12 years old. This is understandable because between the ages of 10 and 20, hormones fluctuate so as to transform the body so that it is able to reproduce itself. This triggers the rise in hormonal secretions which in turn cause increased sebum production and therefore acne.

But then, your child being younger than the average age of the start of adolescence, for what reasons does he already have acne at 6 years old? Know that more and more children are affected by precocious puberty. That is, hormones start to change long before the usual age. This is most certainly due to endocrine disruptors that disrupt and disrupt the hormonal system. It is therefore not totally surprising that boys or girls between the ages of 6 and XNUMX see the first signs of puberty appear. And among these signals of course: pimples, blackheads and acne!

This precocity is not necessarily dangerous. However, it is abnormal. It is therefore recommended to make an appointment with a doctor to check that this is not due to significant hormonal disturbances. This will be all the more recommended if you notice that your child has symptoms of hirsutism or abnormal growth. An endocrinological exploration will then surely be required.

Also note that other causes can amplify the appearance of pimples at 6 years :

  • Lifestyle habits (foods that are too fatty or too sweet, vitamin deficiency, stress, disturbed sleep, etc.) can accentuate acne at 6 years old.
  • Poor skin hygiene. Regarding this factor, poor skin hygiene is not going to cause acne but just stimulate it. Indeed, it should be known that when the pores of the skin turn out to be congested, retentional acne in particular, will have more capacity to appear. Thus a polluted environment, irritating cosmetic products, greasy or comedogenic etc. are just as many elements that are likely to amplify acne.
  • Profuse and recurrent sweating which aggravates bacterial multiplication.

How to fight acne at 6 years old?

The development of acne in a 6-year-old girl or boy occurs in most cases because of hormonal fluctuations. It will therefore be complicated to eradicate it completely, even if important treatments arrive. However, it will be quite possible to reduce their increase thanks to preventive solutions, specific products to medical treatments.

Anti-pimple products at 6

The first local remedies to limit acne and pimples at age 6 consist of using cosmetics and soft, non-comedogenic, non-irritating and non-toxic soaps.

Your child needs to clean their skin daily and twice a day with a mild soap with neutral pH. For this, adopt a superfatted soap, natural and if possible from organic farming which contains much less chemicals or toxic and preservatives often qualified as endocrine disruptors. We advise you goat's milk soap which sometimes works miracles on acne and pimples.

We suggest Goat's milk soap from the Savonnerie du Regagnas brand

acne at 6 what to do

Why should I buy it?

Can be used for the whole family: toddlers and sensitive skin.
Designed with natural ingredients and certified organic, it is formulated without allergens and without irritating materials.
Formulated with organic goat's milk: 20% of the total preparation.
Cold saponified, it contains only natural active ingredients and it contains no sulphate.

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Adopt a correct lifestyle

Even though acne at 6 years old is generally of hormonal origin, it is possible that the hygiene of life accentuates the gravity of the situation. Indeed, our metabolism and our skin are closely interconnected. In other words, everything that will enter our body will have an impact on the external state of our body. Many customs can therefore accentuate the formation of pimples at 6.

  • Pay attention to your child's diet. Avoid overly fatty and overly sugary foods, processed foods, fast food, sugary drinks, refined sugars etc. which are full of saturated fat and fast sugar and therefore will galvanize sebum conception. On the other hand, prefer to consume fresh foods like fruits and vegetables which are rich in trace elements, vitamins, minerals and antioxidants. Finally, prefer a vegetable rather than animal consumption strongly rich in toxins and pro-inflammatory.
  • Beware of foods and products suspected of being endocrine disruptors.
  • He should drink at least 1,5l of water daily in order to hydrate your skin and reduce acne.
  • Your child should wash systematically after sweating in order to avoid bacterial growth.

Take care of your skin

Having a healthy lifestyle to fight against pimples is essential. But skin hygiene is just as essential for reduce acne at 6. We advise you to respect these few daily rules:

  • Cleanse her skin every day in the morning and at night before going to bed with a mild, non-irritating soap that is specific for the face.
  • Avoid the use of fatty products (oil, cream made from oil, etc.). And remember that for a child it is better to use as little cosmetic as possible.
  • Remove all irritants and strippers from its use.
  • Try to get your child to touch the pimples, which may become infected and cause scarring.
  • It is recommended to avoid haircuts in the style of bangs and highlights, which block the evacuation of perspiration and prevent the skin from breathing well.
  • Make sure he avoids long exposure to the sun as much as possible, which dries up the skin and worsens the appearance of pimples at 6 years old.

Heavier treatments for acne at 6

To fight mild acne at 6, the most common treatments will be in local form. There are two well-known treatments that are benzoyl peroxide and retinoids. This will be prescribed after consultation with a health professional (doctor or dermatologist). It will take between two and three months to see satisfactory results.

If your child has acne moderate ou strict, then, under the advice and monitoring of a health specialist, he may be required to use antibiotics.

If your daughter or boy's acne bothers him at 6 or if side effects appear, do not hesitate to call a doctor, a dermatologist or a naturopath who can guide you and prescribe you. products and / or remedies adapted to your case.

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