Dry skin at age 55: causes and solutions

Dry skin at age 55: causes and solutions

Dry skin often occurs at the same time or a little after menopause and therefore around age 55. In fact, the hormonal variations that the body undergoes during this period have direct repercussions on the condition of the skin. Wrinkles, sagging skin, and skin dryness then develop at the same time to our great misfortune. But rest assured because simple but very effective solutions exist to fight against dry skin at age 55. This is what we will see today in this article. First, we will see the causes that favor the appearance of dry skin at age 55. Then we will see what to do to fight against skin dryness after the fifties. 

Why do you have dry skin at 55?

Dry skin is marked by weakening of the skin's protective barrier (the hydrolipidic film) which consists of a fatty substance and a watery body. This hydrolipidic film operates as a skin barrier to maintain the skin's balance and thus reduce its dryness. To explain it another way, dry skin lacks sebum and water. The consequences are that the skin is fragile, sensitive and irritated. Frequently, a dull complexion and feelings of discomfort or tightness are also part of the lot. For some people, the structure of the skin may be scaly, rough, or red.

But in this case, what are the factors responsible for dry skin at age 55?

Your age and the formation of dry skin are obviously closely linked. Indeed, over time, the skin gradually loses its protective film and as a result it dries up. It also generates increased wrinkles and sagging skin.

But then for what reasons the skin gradually loses its protective film? This is in part attributable to the decline of estrogen hormones and therefore at the time of menopause. These latter, called female hormones, are installed in the skin tissues and have a crucial role in maintaining the elasticity, hydration and firmness of the skin. From the moment when their level decreases, the skin gradually loses its texture and its hydration. As a result, the skin becomes dry at age 55.

Personalized aggravating causes will also disturb the skin's balance and encourage the appearance of drier skin at 55 :

  • The environment (pollution, cold, temperature changes, humidity, sun, wind etc.).
  • Cosmetics and particularly the know which weaken the skin hydrolipidic film. As a result, the skin will lose its hydration and become dry.
  • Hygiene of life : cigarettes, coffee, stress, diet, sleep, alcohol and certain medications.

Dry skin at age 55: how to take care of it?

To fight against dry skin at age 55, we must first reconstruct the skin hydrolipidic film to be able to allow it to carry out its barrier role and thus prevent skin dryness. For this purpose, it will initially be necessary to nourish your skin thanks to fatty components rich in unsaturated fatty acids. In this way, the hydrolipidic film will be restored. Subsequently, it will have to be hydrated with agents derived from water. At the same time, it will be necessary to have a good routine for the skin with good products and to have a good way of life in order to maintain skin in good condition.

Dry skin at age 55: which cosmetics to choose?

How to clean dry skin?

Start by using truly mild soaps at neutral pH suitable for the skin of the body and face. These are designed to take care of sensitive and dry skin. They are composed of non-drying and non-stripping active ingredients.

We recommend you Goat's milk soap from Savonnerie du Regagnas suitable for dry skin at 55 years old

dry skin at 55 what to do

The reasons for adopting it?

From organic farming, it is formulated without allergens and without compounds from petrochemicals.
Highly dosed in goat's milk known for its extreme softness for dry or very dry skin.
Suitable for the skin of the body and face.
Designed using the cold saponification method, it contains only ingredients from nature that are non-irritating and non-drying to the skin.

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Which creams are effective for the care of dry skin at 55?

As we saw above, dry skin needs fat and water. To satisfy its demand for fat, you will need to adopt a cream that contains lipids, in other words with nourishing ingredients to restore the hydrolipidic film. The nourishing components that you will find in cosmetic products are vegetable oils or vegetable butters. To satisfy its demand for hydration, you will need to adopt a cream containing water-derived agents such as hydrosol, aloe vera or even hyaluronic acid.

To explain more simply : the formulation of your cream (s) must be closest to the natural skin protective film with an aqueous principle which will satisfy the lack of hydration and a fatty phase which will satisfy the lack of fat.

Be vigilant to systematically adopt a cream with natural compounds against the development of dry skin at 55 years old. Indeed, many creams are formulated from toxic, irritating, drying and petrochemical molecules such as sulfates, silicones, parabens, quats, preservatives or synthetic fragrances. What's more, it can present toxic health risks, it can also weaken your skin and dry it out even more. In order to make it easier for you to choose a good product, we suggest the application INCIbeauty that transparently examines your cosmetics and notifies you if it is good for you or not.

Regarding dry facial skin at age 55 : The practical information described above applies of course also to the skin of the face. The best way to take care of your dry skin is to use a moisturizing cream or serum in the morning (to avoid the shiny effect) coupled with the use of a nourishing cream in the evening before going to bed. If it happens that you employ an anti-wrinkle cream, distinguish if it is rather hydrating (formulated from agents derived from water: hydrolate, aloe vera, hyaluronic acid) or rather nourishing (contains fatty agents such as oils or butters). In relation to the result, choose a cream able to meet the need that your skin lacks.

Natural remedies for dry skin at 55

The fatty part (or otherwise called the sebum) of the skin has the power, among other things, to prevent the evaporation of water and therefore that it does not lack hydration. It therefore acts as a skin protection barrier. In fact, it is essential to nourish it sufficiently with fatty active ingredients.

dry skin 55 years old causes and solutions

The natural products, raw and pure, will be most effective for nourishing your dry skin at 55. These will be vegetable oils and butters. They are to be used as a mask on the skin and to be left as such, without having to rinse them. The epidermis will naturally assimilate the fluid and drink all its benefits. Best oils to nourish dry skin are: coconut, wheat germ, argan, sweet almond, avocado, borage and nigella. As for vegetable butters, the beurre de karité will be the best to nourish and restore the imbalance of very dry skin at 55 years old. This is because it is very concentrated in saturated fatty acids, which will allow it to deeply nourish the skin and repair the skin's protective film.

Option : You also have the option of mixing your oil with highly hydrating aloe vera gel.

Comment: Favor the purchase of pure oils or butters, first cold and organic pressing to ensure the maximum benefits and avoid potentially bad components. We recommend you the myscosmetik site which offers raw materials according to these criteria.

Which skin routine should I adopt for my dry skin?

In order to take care of your dry skin at 55, it is important to have a good skin routine. Basic but effective, the following principles will hydrate, nourish and restore the protective film of your dry skin:

  • Scrub and cleanse your skin with lukewarm water every day, in the morning and in the evening before going to bed with a mild soap or moisturizing milk.
  • Contrary to what one might think, water used for external use does not hydrate the skin. On the contrary, it dries up the skin. Thereby, avoid washing your face with tap water, and prefer the use of a lotion or a mild milk. As far as the body is concerned, you must dry yourself off after being wet. And use a nourishing or moisturizing cosmetic product when you are completely dry.
  • Never forget to remove your makeup before bed to allow skin to breathe and relieve dry skin at age 55. For this purpose, prefer the use of a cleansing milk, a vegetable oil such as sweet almond or a special lotion for dry skin.
  • Use a moisturizing day cream and / or moisturizing serum every morning.
  • Employ a nourishing cream before going to bed.
  • On a weekly basis, perform a nourishing mask from vegetable oil.
  • Hydrate your eye contour with a special product for this sensitive part of the face.

Healthy lifestyle: essential against skin dryness

To take care of the dry skin at 55, it is essential to adopt a good lifestyle. Indeed, the skin is a reflection of the health of our organism. As a result, a poor lifestyle, nutritional deficiencies, or internal dysfunction inevitably take a toll on the condition of your skin. Certain main principles should then be followed to take care of your dry skin:

1 - A good diet to fight against skin dryness at 55

  • Pay attention to your diet. Avoid foods containing saturated fats and refined sugars responsible for the production of free radicals and toxins. On the contrary, prefer the consumption of good fats (vegetable fats). Indeed, lipids are essential to fight against dry skin at 55 years old.
  • Try to regularly eat foods rich in antioxidants which prevent the early aging of the body. We recommend that you consume red fruits which are among the foods that contain the most antioxidants and therefore, they effectively fight free radicals and the aging of skin tissue at age 55.
  • Eat foods rich in vitamins, trace elements and proteins (proteins of plant origin preferably because better for health) which participate in maintaining the condition of the skin.

2 - Pay attention to your lifestyle 

  • Drink daily and at least 1,5l of water per day to properly hydrate your dry skin.
  • Try to avoid smoking as much as possible which is responsible for the degradation of the quality of the epidermis. In fact, cigarettes are filled with products toxic to the body which degrade certain constituents of the dermis and prevent irrigation of skin tissues. .
  • Make sure you protect your skin from the sun's UV rays by wearing a cap, scarf or hat and putting on Special sunscreen for the face, certified organic and natural if possible. This is because sunscreens are full of chemicals that can also damage your skin.
  • Good sleep is important for the body to recover and regenerate. Ideally, you should get about eight hours of sleep per night and a minimum of six hours.

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