White hair at 58 years old, what to do?

White hair at 58 years old, what to do?

Whether you are looking to hide your gray hair, slow down its progress or even assume it in the open, we will see in this article the solutions that exist to meet the expectations of each and everyone. To begin with we will see the causes of hair bleaching. Secondly, we will explain the possibilities available to you to live better with gray hair.

Why do I have white hair at 58?


White or gray hair, everyone ends up having some, it's inevitable. This transformation has a name: canities. This is a 100% natural phenomenon which will occur as soon as the melanocytes, the cells which have the function of giving color to the hair, decrease or stop the production of melanin. To be clearer, your hair is still growing, but without pigmentation and therefore without coloring. This is when your hair bleaches or turns gray. At a certain age it is usual for this phenomenon to occur, and know that it will develop slowly over time and more or less quickly depending on the individual.

Be aware that the development of the first white hairs are found near the age of thirty-five and can vary from plus or minus 10 years. This is an average, the individual reality is quite different. The development of white or gray hair is different from person to person. It may therefore be normal to have white hair at 58 years old when people older or your age still have all their hair pigmented. Be aware that there are strong dissimilarities between the amount of white hair between individuals even at the age of 58 years.

Therefore, we can ask ourselves the question: what causes you to develop gray hair at 58 and not earlier or later?

As we explained, white hair at 58 appears because the melanocytes age at a certain age but this age is not the same for everyone. As for the body or the skin, the disparities between people on aging are difficult to explain. However, it is proven that various factors will promote premature aging and therefore the development of gray hair sooner or later. These factors can be linked to DNA, linked to poor lifestyle, or psychological shock.

What should I do when I have gray hair at 58?

Whether you are just starting to develop a lot of white hairs or have already experienced it at the age of 58, you ask yourself what possibilities are available to me to be able to better cope with my bleaching. hair.

1- Assume her white hair

Yes you will tell us: Easy to say! Having said that, you should know that gray or white hair is turning out to be trendy today. They are able to give you a classy and modern edge with the right haircut. To make your white look a beautiful silver color, use shampoos and treatments that match white or gray hair. They will give you delicate reflections and take care of their particular texture. Indeed, white hair is harder and has the particularity of being duller. They then require special care and attention.

1- What is the best color for my gray hair at 58?

Once you are 58, note that if your hair has started to bleach and your hair turns gray or white, it will not return to its natural color. If you don't like your gray hair, the camouflage alternative is probably the best. Choose the coloring method (i.e. between temporary, semi-permanent, natural or permanent coloring), depending on the number of gray hairs you have, and your basic natural pigmentation. In any case, for your first color, we recommend that you go to a professional hairdresser who will be able to direct you on your needs and the color that is suitable for you.

  • For blond hair. At first white hair is almost invisible, as it is blended with your light hair. We suggest the balayage for a more natural effect. This will allow you to avoid redoing a color monthly to camouflage the regrowth and catch up with the coloring. Then, as the progression of your white hair on your scalp, make semi-permanent or permanent colors.
  • Regarding dark hair or red. Permanent coloring to camouflage gray hair will be your best option. At the beginning, you can choose homemade hair colors, however be careful to respect the information on the coloring instructions for use and not to apply it too regularly ... Even if your regrowth annoys you! Otherwise you are likely to damage your hair and dry out your hair, making it look dull. Sometimes you can even cause hair loss! Better to wait at least four weeks, and best two months. The best thing to do yet is to favor natural coloring when you don't have a lot of gray or white hair to avoid damaging your hair.
  • The natural method. If it happens that you do not have a lot of gray hair at 58, we recommend natural hair colors made from plants and without ammonia, such as henna. Ideal for not damaging your hair, your scalp and keeping a natural color.

In any case, if you have more than 30% white hair, we recommend that you do your coloring at a hairdresser because the coloring technique is more delicate. Indeed, the white hair having a different texture from the pigmented hair, you may not end up with the result you want.

Can we delay the development of gray hair at 58?

Is it possible to slow down the process of depigmentation of the hair? Yes and no. This is because gray hair is often the result of genetics and the normal aging process, as we have explained to you. Cellular aging cannot be stopped. However, we will see that a healthy lifestyle can slow down the process of canities even when you are 58 years old. We will see first of all that to maintain your hair, you will need to take care of it. Secondly, we will explain the tips to try to delay the hair aging process and therefore the appearance of gray hair. However be careful, do not expect miraculous effects. Once again, gray hair is inevitable, especially at the age of 58. Our techniques make it possible to slow down the oxidation of cells early, but normal aging cannot be stopped.


How to maintain your white hair at 58?

1 - You must not pull out your white or gray hair

The adage that says that when you remove a white hair, ten gray hairs grow back, is not true. However, you run the risk of damaging your scalp and ending up with more serious concerns than white hair, which will eventually grow back anyway.

2 - Use appropriate care for gray hair

White hair is more fragile than pigmented hair. They are drier, more brittle, duller and may turn yellow.

If you assume and decide to keep your hair white, you can find various shampoos and products for your gray or white hair that will not cause these problems. Yellow iridescent purple products will be your best allies.

If you opt for coloring, you will need to think about moisturizing your hair with care or vegetable oils. We recommend that you alternately use shampoo for colored hair (once a week) and a special shampoo for your hair type.

Make sure you have a good lifestyle against gray hair at 58

If the causes of the appearance of your gray hair are hereditary or part of the natural aging process, there is nothing you can do to stop this phenomenon. However, if it is external elements that accelerate this process, you will have to adopt a good lifestyle to curb the onset of gray hair.

Indeed, when you have gray hair at 58 years old, there is absolutely nothing surprising, it is part of the normal aging of the body. However, if you do not yet have salt and pepper hair, there are solutions available to slow down the process of canities. In addition, they allow you to take care of your hair and your body in general.

  • White hair that appears suddenly may be a sign of lack of some nutrients and a lack of vitamins, such as B vitamins, essential fatty acids, minerals like copper, zinc and iron, and trace elements. Avoid junk food and fast food and choose fresh foods. Indeed, industrial products are full of toxins. When the liver is saturated, the organ that cleans the body can no longer evacuate toxins and this results in premature aging and the appearance of white hair.
  • Le copper is essential in the transmission of pigmentation to hair. Indeed, know that melanin is generated by melanocytes thanks to the enzyme tyrosinase. And it is copper that catalyzes this enzymatic reaction. Therefore, a well-balanced diet and providing the right daily dose of copper helps prevent the development of gray hair prematurely. Be careful though, copper is poisonous if you take too much! Before changing your habits, take a blood test to check your copper level.
  • Finally, the B vitamins are necessary to prevent premature aging of the body and to supply energy to the body. Thus, consume foods rich in B vitamins. In the event that you are following a vegetarian or vegan diet, you should consider taking food supplements for vitamin B12 in particular.
  • Tobacco is well known to accelerate the aging of skin and hair. It affects the hair follicles and in this way it causes premature graying of the hair. Assuming you are in a smoking environment, try to get as far away from the smoke as you can. If you are a smoker, try to reduce your consumption as much as you can.
  • Le stress has the detrimental consequence of accelerating the oxidation process of cells and therefore causing premature aging of the body. It can also cause inflammation which lowers the production of melanin. Hair is also affected by these concerns and turns white earlier than it should. We know that coping with stress is not easy, but try adopting stress-relieving techniques or doing activities that relax you.

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