Baldness at 45, how to curb it?

Baldness at 45, how to curb it?

Have you noticed very significant hair loss for some time? Is your scalp starting to recede in some places? Baldness is surely making its place! Feared by the vast majority of men, and sometimes some women, it has no impact on physical health. But unfortunately it will very often be a source of devaluation and loss of self-esteem. So to avoid this, we will see in this article how to fight baldness at 45? First, learn the origin that explains why baldness develops at age 45. Then in a second step, we will discover the remedies to slow down or block baldness at 45 years old.

Baldness at 45: the causes of its development

Baldness: what is it?

baldness at 45 the causes

Landrogenetic alopecia or more often called the baldness, occurs in most cases in men and is related to genetics. It is therefore transmitted from generation to generation. That is, when close family members have a tendency to have genetic baldness, you will have more statistics to have it in turn. Baldness manifests itself in most of the ages between 30 and 40 years. But it can also be triggered later, such as at age 45. Also note that it is approximately 50% of men who will have baldness after 45 years. But no luck, you will have enough to treat it and therefore limit its spread. 

The onset of baldness at 45 can be recognized by the area where you lose your hair. Indeed, the hair disappears on the vertex, that is to say the upper area of ​​the skull. Specifically, the hair usually begins to fall all around the temporal gulfs or the family top of the head. The hair that is on the lower part of the head will not fall out as it is not found to be related to hormonal changes.

How is baldness triggered?

The onset of baldness at 45 comes from intrinsic factors: heredity and hormones. The real cause that results in baldness is due to the enzyme 5-alpha-reductase which is found in your scalp and testosterone, an androgenic or called male hormone. When these two meet it emits dihydrotestosterone or better known as DHT which precipitates the hair's normal cycle. The cycle of hair that comes in contact with DHT is far too long compared to normal, and this forces the hair follicles to first make thinner, shorter hair, and then stop making any at all.

Important comment: The baldness we are talking about is linked to androgenetic alopecia, so it is complete hair loss to be attributed to hormones and heredity. As a result, it is very hard to deal with. Know that other causes are able to cause excessive hair loss (anxiety, environment, nutritional deficiencies, diseases etc.). Find all the possible causes that can explain significant hair loss by clicking here.

What solutions to fight against baldness at 45?

The onset of baldness at 45 occurs consecutively to intrinsic factors. Suddenly, to slow down, or even in the best case scenario block abnormal hair loss, you will need to use processes that act on the internal concerns of the body. As you will have understood, it is therefore an illusion to have hope of resolving the problem of baldness effectively by using shampoos or "hair loss" treatments, as many brands would like to suggest. . Find below the remedies that have a real effect on your onset of baldness at 45.

Baldness at 45: treatments to take at home to slow it down

A lotion to locally treat hair loss

Le Minoxidil, which can be in a dosage of 2 or 5%, is a lotion that is used in local external application, where the hair falls out. It is an excellent remedy for visibly delay hair loss and to promote regrowth even if you have androgenic alopecia. A few months turn out to be required before seeing the first effects and only men can use it.

You should know that for some people, this treatment can cause side effects such as, among others, minor skin effects, excessive hair growth but also pain in the rib cage. We therefore strongly advise you to consult your doctor before using this treatment.

Oral treatment

Le Finasteride (Propecia) is used orally. It is a product that is taken under prescription. To explain in a simple way how it works, it works by inhibiting the enzyme 5-alphareductase and therefore it reduces the dht rate which causes baldness at 45. Result: hair loss is greatly reduced and hair regrowth is stimulated. Studies show that after 5 years of use, 90% of men have stabilized hair loss, and 65% even see regrowth.

Note that for rare individuals taking this medication, they may see side effects such as psychiatric disorders (anxiety, mood changes, depression) and / or sexual problems (erectile dysfunction, decreased libido).

A natural solution: food supplements

You should know that at the base food supplements are made to neutralize one or more nutritional deficiencies. However, if you have androgenetic alopecia and therefore the onset of baldness at 45, standard "hair loss" food supplements wishing to combat a deficiency will be unable to solve the problem. Indeed, the latter are formulated with minerals and vitamins that the hair needs to strengthen and maintain good health. But they don't give any results on the real "dysfunction" of genetic baldness: hormones. Accordingly, you should therefore take food supplements able to work on hormonal concerns. In order to guide you as well as possible, do not hesitate to seek advice from a general practitioner or a pharmacist.

We can recommend you the food supplement Bio 5 - hair loss against baldness at 45 years

solutions to fight baldness at 45

Why choose it?

  • Acts on androgenetic hair loss and therefore baldness at 45 years old
  • 100% natural, certified organic, and without risky components
  • Allows a clear reduction in loss from 6 to 8 weeks
  • Composed of compounds that block DHT
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For food supplements to be effective you must take them at least 3 months.

Annotation : This product is an excellent remedy to curb hair loss and in particular premature baldness. However, baldness is written in your DNA. You will therefore need, after a certain time, to resort to more powerful treatments to slow down or strongly stop baldness.

Hair light therapy: a gentle treatment to fight baldness at 45

What is hair light therapy? It is a non-invasive treatment to fight the problem of hair loss in both men and women. This treatment is suggested especially in the case where you are suffering from androgenetic alopecia and therefore baldness. It is a painless laser process that emits rays of cold light to the scalp. This is intended to stop hair loss, boost hair growth and increase hair density through the light that is pumped by the hair follicles. The good thing about this remedy is that it doesn't involve surgery.

Hair transplant: the ultimate camouflage

When you have a baldness at 45, your hair will most certainly end up losing hair irreparably. The treatments mentioned above have the function of saving time. However, when your hair has completely fallen out, you will only have the solution of the hair transplant. It will be evidently, validated and made by a specialist. This will involve doing a hair implantation in your scalp. The final result is often seen after a year.

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