White hair at 32 years old, what to do?

White hair at 32 years old, what to do?

Whether you want to hide your gray hair, slow down its progression or even assume it in the open, we will see in this article solutions to meet the expectations of every woman and every man. So, what to do when you have gray hair at 32? First we will discuss the causes of the appearance of gray hair. Subsequently we will see the possibilities available to you to live better with gray hair at 32 years old.

white hair 32 years old what to do

Why do I have white hair at 32?

The phenomenon of hair bleaching cannot be avoided. This transformation has a name: canities. It is a natural phenomenon which happens as soon as the melanocytes, the cells which have the function of giving color to the hair, decrease or stop their production of melanin. In other words, your hair continues to grow, only they are no longer pigmented, and therefore they are no longer colored. This is when your hair turns gray or turns gray. When you are a certain age it is common for this process to happen, and know that it will develop gradually over time and more or less prematurely depending on the individual.

Note that the development of the first white hairs is around the age of thirty-five and can vary by more or less 10 years. However, be careful not to generalize it, because in fact remember that each individual is different. The occurrence of hair bleaching varies from one individual to another and depends on DNA, and also on internal or external factors. So What are all of these factors that can trigger canities at the age of 32?

1 - Gray hair at age 32 grows in most cases due to the body's natural aging

As we have described, gray hair at 32 appears because the melanocytes no longer work properly and therefore no longer perform their role in coloring your hair. From all of the factors that we are going to see that are able to explain a sudden onset of gray hair, you should know that the cause of the body's natural aging is the most likely cause at your age. Indeed, melanocytes which no longer function very well are quite simply the result of their aging. Like the body or the skin, the disparities between individuals on aging are difficult to explain. It is therefore normal not to be egalitarian in the aging process and that some is gray hair faster than others.

2 - Genetics are responsible for gray hair at 32 years old

The whitening of the hair at your age will very often depend quite simply on the genetic makeup and therefore of theDNA. To authenticate this, you can check if your close family members have been through the same path as you. In other words, at what age did the first gray hair of your parents arrive? Most of the time, you notice that your hair starts to turn white at around the same age. It is therefore part of your genetic heritage and it is therefore normal that you have gray hair at 32 years old.

3 - A poor lifestyle is likely to cause gray hair to appear earlier

At the age of 32, it is not unusual to have white hair. However, permanent stressful situations, a bad diet et cigarette can be all factors that accelerate the arrival of gray hair at 32 years.

4 - An emotional shock risks causing the sudden arrival of gray hair at 32 years old

A significant emotional shock such as death or a serious accident can cause gray hair to develop quickly and in large quantities at age 32. Indeed, in reaction to a traumatic psychological shock or following a significant stress, the immune defense system of the organism would modify the good functioning of certain cells and would result in the appearance of white hair.

This phenomenon is called the sudden canities. However the legends saying that overnight you will end up with an entirely white head are false. The phenomenon of hair bleaching will happen faster than if you had not had an emotional shock, but it does not come on suddenly.

What should I do when I have gray hair at 32?

white hair at 32 what to do

Whether your first gray hair is appearing or if you have already had your hair bleached for a while at the age of 32, you ask yourself: what are the possibilities available to you to better experience your bleaching? Now find out all the answers.

Assume your white hair

We know… Easy to say! This being the case, know that nowadays white hair happens to be trendy. They can quickly give you a chic and modern edge with the right haircut. To give yourself a pretty silver color, buy shampoos and products suitable for white or gray hair. They will give you very nice reflections and take care of their special texture. You should know that gray or white hair is harder and duller. They therefore require special care and attention.

What is the best color for my gray hair at 32?

Once you are 32, note that if your hair has started to bleach and your hair turns gray or white, it will not regain its natural pigmentation. In the event that you don't like your gray or white hair, the camouflage solution is probably the best. Go for the coloring method (permanent, semi-permanent, temporary or natural), depending on the number of white hairs you have, as well as your current hair color. In all cases, for your first color, we recommend that you consult a specialist who will be able to guide you on your needs and the color that suits you.

  • Regarding blond hair. At first, the appearance of white hair is practically not seen. We recommend the option of balayage for more naturalness. This will allow you to avoid redoing a color monthly to camouflage the regrowth and catch up with the coloring. Then, as your white hair progresses on your scalp, opt for semi-permanent or permanent colorings.
  • Regarding dark hair or red. Permanent coloring to camouflage gray hair will be your best option. At the beginning, you can opt for homemade hair colors, however be careful to respect the information on the coloring instructions for use and not to do it too frequently… Even if your regrowth is annoying you! Otherwise, you are likely to damage your hair and end up with dry, dull hair and sometimes even significant hair loss! It will be better to wait at least four weeks, and the most recommended remains 2 months. The best choice yet is to favor natural color when you do not have a large number of gray hairs to avoid damaging your hair.
  • The natural method. In case you do not have a large number of gray hairs at age 32, we suggest you natural dyes made from plants and not containing ammonia like henna. These colorings are perfect for not damaging your hair, your scalp and keeping a natural color.

Whatever happens, in the event that you have more than 30% of white hair, we recommend coloring by a professional because the maneuver is more delicate. This is because white hair has a different texture from pigmented hair, so you might not end up with the result you want.

How to maintain your white hair at 32?

Can we delay the process of depigmentation of the hair? Yes and no. As we have seen, gray hair is often the preserve of genetics or the body's natural aging process. That said, we will explain thata good lifestyle can slow down the process of canities even if you are 32 years old.

You will first discover that to maintain your hair, you need to take care of it. Then we will see the techniques to try to slow down the process of hair aging and therefore the arrival of gray hair.

1 - Never pull out your white or gray hair

The adage that when you pull out a white hair, others will grow back behind is wrong. However, you run the risk of damaging your scalp and ending up with more serious worries than gray hair, which will eventually grow back anyway.

2 - Use appropriate care for gray hair

A white hair becomes more fragile than a colored hair. They turn out to be drier, more brittle, duller and may turn yellow.

If you want to keep your hair gray, you will find various shampoos and products for your gray or white hair that can prevent these problems. The treatments that make it possible to yellowing hair with iridescent violet are proving to be your best allies.

If it happens that you choose to make yourself a color, remember to hydrate your hair well with care or vegetable oils. It is also recommended to alternately use shampoo for colored hair (once a week) and a special shampoo for your hair type.

Can we slow down the development of gray hair at 32?

Assuming that the causes of your gray hair are hereditary or part of the natural aging process, no techniques exist to stop this process. However, if external factors are causing this phenomenon to accelerate, it will be necessary for you to adopt a healthy lifestyle to slow down the appearance of gray hair.

Indeed, when you have gray hair at 32, there is absolutely nothing surprising, it is part of the normal aging of the body. However, if you don't have salt and pepper hair yet, there are some tips to slow down the bleaching process. And know that as a bonus, they will allow you to take care of your hair and your skin in general.

  • White hair that grows quickly can be a sign of a lack of some nutrients and a lack of vitamins, such as B vitamins, essential fatty acids, minerals such as copper, zinc and iron and trace elements. We recommend that you prioritize the consumption of fresh foods, and avoid fast food and junk food at all costs. Indeed, know that industrial products are full of toxic ingredients for the body. When the liver is saturated, the organ which cleans the body can no longer destroy toxins and this results in premature aging and the development of white hair.
  • Le copper is essential in the transmission of color to the hair. Indeed, know that melanin is produced by melanocytes thanks to the enzyme tyrosinase. And it is copper that catalyzes this enzymatic reaction. This is why a balanced diet that provides a good daily dose of copper will prevent the development of gray hair prematurely. Be careful though, copper turns out to be toxic if you take too much! Take a blood test to see your copper level.
  • Finally, B vitamins prove to be essential in preventing premature aging of the body and in providing energy to the body. So, eat foods rich in B vitamins. In the event that you are vegetarian or vegan, you should consider taking food supplements for vitamin B12 in particular.
  • Le stress will accelerate the oxidation process of cells and therefore cause premature aging of the body. It is also likely to cause inflammation which decreases the production of melanin. Hair also experiences these problems and turns white earlier than it should. We know stress management is very complicated, but try to adopt stress relieving techniques or find activities that relax you.
  • Le tobacco is well known to accelerate the aging of skin and hair. It affects the hair follicles and therefore causes premature aging of the hair. In the event that you are in a smoking environment, be sure to keep away from the smoke as much as possible. If you are a smoker, try to reduce your consumption as much as you can.

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