How to fight against baldness at 40?

How to fight against baldness at 40?

Baldness is a scourge feared by the vast majority of men, and sometimes even some women. And in your forties, everything usually speeds up! According to statistics, it is much more likely to sit on your head. In fact, more than 40% will see their heads lose hair during their forties. And although baldness is harmless to your health, it will sometimes lead to a loss of self-esteem. So to avoid this, we will see in this article how to fight baldness at 40. To start our article, we will see factors that explain why baldness manifests itself in your XNUMXs. In a second step, we will see the solutions that exist to fight against baldness at 40.

Why do you have baldness at 40?

How to recognize baldness?

Popularly referred to as male hair loss, baldness, or its scientific name androgenetic alopecia, usually occurs in men and is related to heredity. That is to say that in general, it is transmitted from parents to children, or from grandparents to grandchildren. In the event that members of your family (especially on the male side) have a tendency to have genetic alopecia, and therefore baldness, you will have a greater chance of contracting it in turn. Know that almost 50% of men have baldness after 50 years. baldness at 40 what to do

Baldness at 40 is usually recognized by the localization of hair loss. Indeed, the latter fall at the level of the vertex, ie the upper part of the skull. The hair begins to fall as a rule all around the temporal gulfs or at the top of the head. The hair that is on the lower part of the head will not fall out because it is not subject to hormonal changes.

How is baldness triggered at 40?

The development of midlife baldness occurs due to internal factors: genetics and hormones (especially male). To be more precise, the development of baldness is due to the enzyme 5-alpha-reductase which is found in the scalp and Testosterone, a male hormone. Their junction produces dihydrotestosterone (DHT) which disrupts the life cycle of the hair. The latter becomes much too supported for its normal function, and this forces the hair follicles to first develop thinner and shorter hair, then not to make any more at all.

Important: The baldness we are talking about is linked to androgenetic alopecia, so it is absolute hair loss to be attributed to hormones and genetics. Therefore, she is very difficult to treat. But different causes are likely to cause alopecia (stress, environment, nutritional deficiencies, illnesses, etc.). Find out all the causes that can be responsible forexcessive hair loss by clicking on this link.

Solutions to slow down or stop the onset of baldness at 40

Androgenetic alopecia and therefore the onset of baldness at 40 appears as a result of intrinsic factors. Consequently, to slow down, or in the best case to stop the loss of too much hair, you will have to employ processes which act on the internal concern of the body. It is therefore illusory to hope to tackle the problem effectively by using shampoos or "hair loss" treatments, such as many companies would like to dream of. Find out in the following section treatments having a real influence on your midlife baldness concern.

Baldness at 40: treatments to slow it down

1 - Local treatment

Le Minoxidil, which can be in a dosage of 2 or 5%, is a product that is applied by local external application to places which are subject to hair loss. The latter will allow you to noticeably delay hair loss and to boost regrowth even if you have androgenetic alopecia. A few months are required before seeing the first results and only men can use it.

Warning: be aware that for a small number of people, this treatment can cause side effects such as minor skin reactions, excessive hair growth or pain in the rib cage. We recommend that you seek the advice of your doctor before obtaining this medication.

2 - Oral treatment

Le Finasteride (Propecia) is to be taken by mouth. It is a drug that is prescribed. It inhibits the enzyme 5-alphareductase and it will therefore reduce the level of DHT in the body responsible for baldness at 40. Result: hair loss is truly reduced and hair growth is promoted. Studies show that after 5 years of use, 90% of men have stabilized hair loss, and 65% even see regrowth.

Note that in some people taking this medication, they may see side effects such as psychiatric disorders (anxiety, mood changes, depression) and / or sexual disorders (erectile dysfunction, decreased libido).

3 - Special food supplements to curb genetic baldness

You should know that basically food supplements are designed to neutralize one or more nutritional deficiencies. But, in the event that you have androgenetic alopecia and consequently by the onset of baldness at 40, standard dietary supplements for deficiency hair loss will not be able to resolve the concern. Indeed, these are made from vitamins and minerals that the hair needs to be stronger and maintain good health. But then they have no effect on the real concern of genetic baldness namely hormones. So you will need food supplements being able to give results on hormonal concerns. To help you, do not hesitate to speak to a general practitioner or a pharmacist.

For real effectiveness, you must take food supplements diligently and at least for 3 months.

We recommend you the food supplement Bio 5 - hair loss against baldness at 40 years

solutions against baldness at 40

Why should I buy it?

  • Proven result on androgenic hair loss and therefore baldness in your forties
  • Formulated with 100% ingredients of natural origin, organic, and without toxic ingredients for the body
  • Allows a clear reduction in hair loss from 6 to 8 weeks
  • Composed of potent DHT blocking compounds
View product

Please note: : This product is an excellent remedy to slow down hair loss and in particular premature baldness. However, baldness is part of your genetic code. You will therefore have to go through more powerful treatments to slow down or strongly stop baldness.

Hair light therapy: a gentle treatment against baldness in your forties

Hair light therapy is a non-invasive treatment studied to combat the problem of hair that falls out just as much in men as in women. This treatment is requested in particular if you are in the case of androgenetic alopecia and suddenly midlife baldness. It is a painless laser technique that diffuses cold light rays to the scalp. This is intended tostop hair loss, stimulate hair growth and increase their density with the help of light which is picked up by the hair follicles. The advantage of this technique is that it does not require any surgical intervention.

Hair transplant: the ultimate camouflage

When you have a baldness at 40, your hair will most likely inevitably lose its hair. The treatments explained above essentially save time. However, once the hair has definitely fallen out, you can then opt for the hair transplant. It will of course be validated and made by a specialist. This method is simply to implant hair in your scalp, where your hair has fallen out. The end result is usually seen after a year.

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