What to do against oily skin at 25?

What to do against oily skin at 25?

While you thought that skin problems would go away after puberty, unfortunately it doesn't. You have oily skin even though you are now a young adult or a young adult. Know that this is not surprising since more than one in two people experience this problem after the age of 25. But this is not inevitable since there are simple and effective solutions to get rid of it. So, what to do to fight oily skin at 25? First, find out why you have oily skin. Secondly, discover the solutions to treat and take care of oily skin at 25 years old.

Why do you have oily skin at 25?

Oily skin: what causes it?

A type of oily skin is easily recognized. It is defined by excessive sebum production and consequently by the appearance of a shiny and oily skin. Sebum is the skin's natural oil, which has the task of protecting it from external aggressions and preventing dehydration. It is the first component of the hydrolipidic film (or otherwise called the protective film) of the skin. It therefore operates as a skin barrier.

oily skin at 25, why

Even though sebum is vital to ensure the preservation of healthy skin, it happens in some people that it is made abnormally and excessively and therefore causes the appearance of shiny skin. It is useful to note that this natural oil is made by the sebaceous glands which are located in the dermis. These will react to each stimulation -or what seems to them to be an invasion- by making even more sebum.

What factors cause oily skin at 25?

What are the factors who may be responsible responsible for the onset or worsening of oily skin at age 25?

  • Cosmetic products and particularly the know which strip the skin hydrolipidic film and stimulate the sebaceous glands which will produce more sebum.
  • The environment (pollution, cold, temperature changes, sun, wind, etc.).
  • Skin lacking in hydration. Indeed, when the skin is dehydrated, the sebum which has the function of maintaining water in the skin will be produced in larger quantities to compensate for the lack.
  • Hormonal changes. During great periods of hormonal upheaval (puberty, pregnancy, hormonal contraception, menopause, etc.) or in the event of hormonal dysfunction, the production of sebum increases under the effect of estrogen hormones.
  • Lifestyle : smoking, coffee, stress, diet, sleep, alcohol and medication.

Oily skin at 25: how to reduce or get rid of it?

To fight oily skin at 25 years old you will need to adopt good lifestyle habits to restore balance to your skin. For this, it will be essential to have a good routine for the skin with good products and adopt a healthy lifestyle so as to maintain healthy skin.

What products to use for oily skin?

In order to regain the balance of your skin, it is above all mandatory to have non-irritating, non-drying, non-abrasive and non-stripping cosmetic products. This is to prevent the sebaceous glands from producing too much sebum.

How to cleanse oily skin?

Choose from very mild soaps at neutral pH for the skin of the body and face to fight oily skin at 25 years old. Indeed, as we have seen before in this article, the sebaceous glands are intended to produce too much sebum each time the skin is attacked. And cleaning can quickly be considered as one of these attacks if the soap you use does not respect the delicate balance of the skin.

The soaps qualified as mild are made with non-irritating and non-stripping ingredients so as to prevent the importation of the sebaceous glands and therefore the normal production of sebum.

We recommend you Louise émoi's organic handmade soap against oily skin at 25

oily skin 25 years old what to do

The reasons for choosing it?

Certified organic, it is made without allergens and petrochemical components (toxic to the skin).
Very rich in sebum-regulating active ingredients, perfect for oily and / or acne-prone skin.
Can be used for body and face skin.
Designed from the cold saponification method, it only includes ingredients from nature that are non-irritating and non-abrasive to the skin.

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Creams to take care of oily skin at 25

Oily skin is defined by an excess of sebum and therefore of lipids. She is not deficient in nutrition but generally in hydration. Indeed, the cutaneous protective film is composed of water and fat. Fat helps maintain water in the dermis. Therefore, when the skin is dehydrated, the sebaceous glands will speed up their production of sebum to compensate.

To avoid a oily skin at 25, it will therefore be essential to pay attention to its hydration. You will therefore need to find a moisturizer, anti-aging or anti-wrinkle cream -depending on your needs- adapted to the nature of oily skin and therefore mattifying. At the same time, it should be made up ofsebum-regulating ingredients which will allow to find a natural production of sebum.

In summary, your cream should be formulated:

  • especially with water-derived agents like hydrosol, aloe vera or hyaluronic acid.
  • with sebum-regulating components and sanitizers (powders, essential oils, certain oils).
  • without too much lipids and therefore fatty substances (butters or oils) which will tend to make your case worse.

In addition, make sure to systematically choose a cream with natural compounds to take care of oily skin at 25. Indeed, many creams are composed from toxic, irritating, drying substances and from petrochemicals such as, among others, sulfates, silicones, parabens, quats, preservatives or synthetic fragrances. What's more, they present dangerous health risks, they can also weaken your skin and make it more greasy. To make it easier for you to select a good product, we suggest the application INCIbeauty which analyzes your cosmetics in full transparency and which certifies to you whether it is good for your health or not.

Natural remedies for oily skin at 25

Some natural and pure products have sebum-regulating, purifying and balancing properties ideal for fight oily skin at 25. These are vegetable oils, essential oils and Ayurvedic or vegetable powders.

oily skin 25 years old causes and solutions

  • Regarding specific vegetable oils for oily skin. Contrary to what one might think, certain oils have purifying and regulating properties. It is the oils that we qualify as " non-comedogenic". Consequently, they will not make the skin shiny but on the contrary regulate sebum. You can use them by making a mask on the skin on a weekly basis. Like this, the epidermis will naturally assimilate the oil and soak up all its benefits. The most effective oils to cleanse and balance oily skin at age 25 are: Jojoba, Hazelnut, Carrot, Avocado, or Hemp.
  • Regarding specific essential oils for oily skin. Essential oils have the specificity of being very concentrated and consequently of retaining powerful therapeutic properties. You can find multiple, some with cleansing, regulating and balancing virtues: lemon, pink geranium, bigarade petit grain, true lavender, tea tree, ylang ylang, grapefruit, and lemon beds. However, be careful, since essential oils are highly concentrated, they should not be abused and they should always be diluted. In practice, you can mix 1 to 2 drops in your cosmetic product or in your weekly mask.
  • Regarding specific Ayurvedic or plant powders for oily skin. To purify and regulate the overabundance of sebum production naturally, the powders will be extremely effective. The best powders you can find to get rid of oily skin at age 25 are: White Clay, Green Clay, Neem, Orange, Reetha, Nagarmotha or Bhringaraj. These are used in masks, by mixing them with a little water (in order to have a smooth texture) and using the mixture as well on the face. Be careful, they can dry out the face if you leave it on for too long. Leave the mask on for 5 to 10 minutes, no more.
Please note: Prefer the purchase of pure products, first cold pressing and from organic farming to ensure maximum benefits and avoid potentially bad components. We can recommend you the myscosmetik site ou the slow cosmetics website which offer raw materials respecting these parameters.

What skin routine should I adopt for my oily skin at 25?

In order to get rid of your oily skin at 25, it is essential to adopt a good skin routine. Basic but effective, the following habits will allow you to regain skin balance:

  • Cleanse your skin with cold or lukewarm water daily, twice a day: morning and evening with a mild soap.
  • Make a gentle, non-abrasive exfoliation once a week to cleanse your skin from impurities.
  • The make-up removal box is mandatory before sleeping so that the skin can breathe. For this purpose, prefer the use of a vegetable oil such as sweet almond, a lotion or even a micellar water.
  • Use a moisturizing day cream and / or specific moisturizing serum for oily skin every morning and night.
  • Once a week, perform a purifying mask from powders or a balancing mask from vegetable oils.

Healthy lifestyle to fight against oily skin

So that fight against oily skin at 25, it is very important toadopt a healthy lifestyle. Indeed, the skin is a reflection of the health of our organism. Therefore, a poor lifestyle, deficiencies or internal dysfunction will inevitably affect the condition of your skin. Several main principles must therefore be observed to combat oily skin:

1 - A good food consumption to fight against oily skin at 25 years old

  • Eat a healthy and balanced diet. Avoid foods high in saturated fat and refined sugars involved in the production of free radicals and toxins. On the contrary, choose foods that contain good fats (vegetable fats). Indeed, bad fats will have the annoying tendency to promote the production of sebum, unlike good fats.
  • Eat foods rich in antioxidants which prevent premature aging of cells. We recommend the consumption of red fruits. These are among the foods that contain the most antioxidants. As a result, they fight effectively against the development of free radicals and skin decline at 25 years.
  • Eat foods rich in trace elements, vitamins, omega-3s, and proteins that help maintain healthy skin.

2 - A healthy lifestyle for less oily skin at 25 years old

  • Drink daily and at least 1,5l of water per day to sufficiently hydrate your skin.
  • Try to avoid tobacco as much as possible, which is involved in the deterioration of the condition of the epidermis. Indeed, know that the products contained in cigarettes degrade several constituents of the dermis. As a result, they prevent irrigation of skin tissue. As a result, the skin's balance can be upset and become more oily at 25 years old.
  • Protect your skin from the sun by wearing a hat, cap and putting on Special sunscreen for the face, organic and with the maximum of natural ingredients if you can. This is because sunscreens are filled with chemical ingredients that can also attack your skin.
  • Good sleep is very important for the body to recover and regenerate. Ideally, get 8 hours of sleep a night and a minimum of six hours.

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