Stretch marks when you are young, what to do?

Stretch marks when you are young, what to do?

When we grow up, our body is transformed and takes with it the memory of our smooth and perfect childish skin. Instead, “imperfections” appear, which are more or less easy to accept, and among them are stretch marks. Although these small reddish or purplish streaks are common on both female and male bodies, they are not always easy to accept. So, how to avoid, reduce or eliminate stretch marks when you are young? This is what we will see in this article. First of all, learn how stretch marks form on young skin. Then discover the solutions to prevent or reduce stretch marks as a young person.

Why do stretch marks form when you are young?

25% of girls and 15% of boys will see stretch marks appearing on their skin during their youth. Indeed, know that these unsightly streaks form in most cases between 13 years and 15 years. We can then ask ourselves, Why do stretch marks appear more easily when you are young?

What internal phenomenon do stretch marks result from?

Two fibrous proteins are contained in the skin and ensure its balance: collagen and elastin. The reddish streaks, which are stretch marks, form when there is a fracture of collagen fibers in the dermis. This consequently causes skin lesions. They are then manifested by these more or less large red marks, in most cases not painful.

Stretch marks start with a inflammatory stage spreading over several months where they are generally red, pinkish or purplish in color. After these few months, they will develop into scars and become whitish. Know that the best time to intervene and hope that they fade and disappear will be when they are still colored. 

The factors responsible for the appearance of stretch marks in a young person

stretch marks young what to do?

These more or less long unsightly streaks are likely to form at any age. Even so, it is when you are young that these are more likely to appear on your body. And this is explained quite simply because the majority of factors that cause stretch marks to form are gathered when you are young. Here they are : 

  • Sudden stretching of the dermis. Indeed, the dermal tissue is likely to stretch too brutally for the collagen and elastin, which will eventually break. This enlargement of the dermis when you are young comes mainly from the growth. However, too rapid extension of skin tissue can also result from intensive physical exercise and significant mass gain or too sudden weight gain or loss.
  • Hormones that change when you're young. There is a strong correlation between stretch marks and hormonal change. Indeed, during big hormonal changes (period of adolescence, pregnancy, beginning of the menstrual cycle etc.) stretch marks are intended to appear.
  • The amplification of the production of cortisol by the body. Cortisol is the stress hormone. This is emitted by the adrenal glands which regulate the structure of the skin. As the level of the hormone cortisol is increased in the body, conversely, the production of elastin and collagen fibers that are found in the skin is decreased. The conception of this hormone is amplified by poor diet, constant stress and poor sleep.
  • The age and quality of the skin. Stretch marks appear even more on young and fair skin. Thin skin is also very prone to see it appear.

Also note that genetic makeup may have its share of responsibility in the appearance of stretch marks in a young person. In other words, if the close people in your family (parents, brothers and sisters) have a disposition to have stretch marks, in this case you will have more statistics to see them appear.

Where do stretch marks appear on young skin?

Stretch marks in a young person can form in various parts of the body. One can find differences between boys and girls. In general, stretch marks in girls will develop in the thighs and hips, buttocks, chest and finally in the stomach (especially on the sides). About garçons, dermal cracks will form especially in the lower back (the lumbosacral region), on the stomach and on the buttocks.

You should also know that when you practice weight training, that you have undergone a very rapid growth or that you are overweight, stretch marks will surely appear on other body areas such as the calves, arms (shoulders or inside of arms), the pecs (for boys), the back (especially the lower back), or the popliteal fossa.

How to fight against stretch marks as a young person?

When you are young, your skin is more prone to stretch marks because it is subject to many changes in your body. However, it also has very important regenerative and healing capacities. You can therefore prevent stretch marks from setting up or remaining permanently etched on your skin. But to promote the healing mechanism, you will need to help your body with simple techniques and tips that we will see now.

In what ways to prevent and reduce stretch marks?

young stretch marks the solutions to eliminate them

As we have discussed, stretch marks are lesions of skin tissue with no impact on health. They start first with an inflammatory stage. We recognize this phase by the coloring of the stretch marks: they will be purple or purplish. It will be during this phase that it will be necessary to intervene.

1 - Avoid and fade young stretch marks with cosmetic creams

In order to avoid the appearance of stretch marks when you are young, or to help the healing of marks already manifested on your skin; it is necessary toadopt a cosmetic product , promising activates the production of collagen and elastin but also that it contains moisturizing active ingredients.

Comments: We suggest you adopt the most natural product possible. Indeed, many manufacturers are marketing creams at exorbitant costs which, however, are full of components from petrochemicals, toxic to the skin and without effective results. They are sometimes even dangerous for humans because they contain endocrine disruptors, major allergens, chemical preservatives and synthetic fragrances. To control your cosmetics, we recommend the app incibeauty ou Yuka.

We suggest the Vanessences brand serum against stretch marks in a young

young stretch marks appropriate care

What are the reasons for adopting it?

  • Organic and 100% natural care oil, no major allergens, no petrochemicals, no synthetic dyes, certified vegan.
  • Rich in anti-inflammatory essential oils (Italian Helichrysum, Rosewood and True Lavender) so as to reduce young or old and marked stretch marks.
  • Prevents the appearance of stretch marks thanks to essential oils with healing properties (Cistus ladanifère, Geranium rose, Italian Helichrysum).
  • Formulated from Argan oil known to reduce stretch marks, soften, moisturize and regenerate the skin, thanks to vitamin E and the unsaturated fatty acids it has.
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2 - Herbal medicine to prevent and reduce stretch marks in a young person

Pure vegetable oils hold absolutely wonderful virtues for the skin. These last the regenerate, nourish and hydrate it deeply. The oils are therefore very effective for prevent the formation of young stretch marks. If your skin cracks have already appeared, they also help to reduce them, see if you are lucky to make them disappear permanently.

effective solutions against stretch marks in a young person
Vegetable oils are to be used in massage for five minutes on places sensitive to the appearance of stretch marks.

Those that give the best results to fight against stretch marks in a young person are sweet almond oil et rosehip oil.

The main benefits of sweet almond oil are:

  • prevents dehydration and maintains the skin hydrolipidic film.
  • Helps soften the skin and strengthens tissues to prevent the formation of stretch marks.
  • Accelerates the repair of skin cells.
  • Sweet almond oil is particularly suggested as a prevention against the appearance of stretch marks at a young age.

The benefits of Rosehip oil are:

  • Helps in healing, reduces and improves stretch marks.
  • Known for its important rejuvenating and regenerating virtues to get rid of stretch marks and scars.
  • Maintains suppleness, elasticity and hydration of the dermis.
  • Rosehip oil is particularly recommended as a remedy against young or old stretch marks.

However, be careful, for it to have results adopt one that certifies that it is virgin, first cold pressed and at best organic so that you can be sure that it does not contain a single harmful ingredient. We advise you almond oil  et rosehip oil of Bioflore. Both respect all of these conditions and which are one of the most interesting - in terms of price - on the market.

3 - A good lifestyle to prevent the formation of stretch marks

  • Make sure you keep a healthy weight. As a young person, your body changes and encounters variations in size and weight in particular. And be aware that taking or losing too much weight will be hard on your skin. Thus, in order to reduce the risk of the arrival of stretch marks when you are young, it is essential not to stretch your skin too strongly and too quickly; and thus, to keep a healthy weight. If you are on a diet, the recommended rate of weight loss in order to be in good shape and fight against the formation of stretch marks is 0,5 to 1 kg / week.
  • Drink regularly and at least 1,5l of water per day so as to maintain constant hydration of the skin and prevent stretch marks from appearing when you are young.
stretch marks when you are young
  • Eat a balanced diet and food rich in vitamins (including vitamins A and E), minerals, essential fatty acids (omega 3 and omega 6), and antioxidants.
  • Exercise regularly to avoid stretch marks at a young age. Sport will make it possible to fight both against sudden variations in weight but also against daily stress, which, as we have discussed, can trigger the formation of unsightly marks. On the other hand, by toning your physique you have a high probability of seeing a positive transformation in the appearance (depth, color and width) of your stretch marks.

4 - The treatment to correct installed stretch marks

In the event that unfortunately your stretch marks have already drawn on your body while you are still young, you also have the option of applying a treatment that corrects stretch marks. This is done in order to reduce their amplification, and improve their appearance so that they become much less marked. 

However, be careful, it works for stretch marks that have appeared recently and consequently are purple or purplish!

We advise you Omum's corrective care to reduce stretch marks young

stretch marks in a young person, what to do?

The reasons for adopting it?

  • Proven effectiveness (100% smoother skin, 77% softer skin and relief of stretch marks improved to 68%).
  • 99% of the ingredients are from natural origins.
  • A formulation rich in components which participate in the activation of the production of elastic fibers and collagens in order to encourage healing.
  • Effectiveness on all stretch marks that have recently appeared on the body.
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What to do to remove stretch marks when you are young?

If ever, unfortunately, stretch marks have already appeared on your body, and the creams, treatments or serums do not give the expected effects, you will have to go through other more or less intrusive treatments and with a more or less high price.

Those are treatments carried out under medical supervision, which will take place, most of the time in specialized centers. It will therefore require the advice of a specialist to use it.

Medical remedies that aim to remove or reduce stretch marks in a young person are: 

  • Dermatological treatment containing vitamin A which acts on cell regeneration.
  • LED photo modulation which boosts the elasticity of the epidermis without attacking the skin.
  • Peeling to exfoliate the skin and touch up imperfections.
  • Laser treatment to make your skin more supple. This technique works only on fair skin. 
  • Mesotherapy or local injections to promote collagen production (major intervention). 
  • Restorative surgery in order to erase stretch marks and "lift" the skin (heavy intervention).

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