Youth and cellulite, why and what to do?

Youth and cellulite, why and what to do?

The development of cellulite is very rarely a pleasant surprise. It can cause complex and self-deprecation, and sometimes even handicap us socially speaking. This orange peel effect is even harder to live with once you take out the skirts, shorts and bikini. However do not worry, we will see that there are solutions to fight it. So, what to do to get rid of cellulite when you are young. In the first part, learn why you have cellulite which appears when you are young. Secondly, discover the solutions that exist to eliminate cellulite early.

All about the formation of cellulite in a young person

Where does cellulite come from?

The appearance of cellulite is the result of excessive accumulation of fat in adipocytes (fat cells). As they fill up and therefore grow in size, these fat cells deform the skin and take on a grainy appearance that is often compared to orange peel. These fat deposits are also called “dimples”.

These fatty deposits in the skin tissue can cause other worries such as :

  • Poor drainage of the body area affected by cellulitis because the blood and lymphatic microcirculation circulating in the deep layer of the skin (the hypodermis) are crushed by the adipocytes.
  • A water retention mechanism that can cause blood circulation disorders and consequently the development of cellulite when you are young.
young cellulite what to do

Three forms of cellulite exist : adipose, watery or fibrous and it can have various phases of evolution: incipient, installed, fibrous. Good news: When you are young, your cellulite will definitely be birth and fatty or watery in nature. You will therefore be able to get rid of it by still making a few small efforts as we will see with the solutions and tips in the second part of our article.

Young women are all the more affected as young boys by cellulite because the female organism has twice the adipocytes than the male organism. Thereby, 90% of women will have cellulite. But some men will see it appear on their body although it only affects 2% of them.

Young cellulite: the factors responsible for its appearance

Cellulite can show up in your body from different phases of life and more particularly during your youth. She is also likely to appear on very diverse morphologies: thin, overweight, muscular or not. And this is explained since cellulite occurs due to two main factors: genetic makeup and hormones. However, you should be aware that more parameters can cause cellulite development in a young girl or boy. So what are all of these factors?

  • Stimulation of estrogenic hormones. Early cellulite often occurs during hormonal upheavals such as adolescence, the start of the menstrual cycle, or when you are taking hormonal contraception. Orange peel is in these situations boosted by the increase in female hormones (estrogenic). The latter stimulate the adipocytes which will store more lipid (fat) in the hypodermis and thus promote the retention of water and toxins in the body; either the combination favorable to the development of cellulite.
  • The genetic makeup that predisposes to cellulite. Assuming that your family members (especially women) have a tendency to have cellulite, you are also more likely to develop it on your skin. And then also know that the genetic makeup defines our metabolism and therefore our ability to burn calories more or less efficiently. As a result, some of us will have a greater disposition than others to develop cellulite.
  • A healthy lifestyle that promotes cellulite when you are young. A diet that is too rich, excess fatty foods, a sedentary lifestyle, a lack of physical and sports activity, the consumption of certain drugs, tobacco, and daily stress are just as many causes that can promote the onset of cellulite during your youth.
youth cellulite the causes

Know that contrary to popular thought, overweight does not play a predominant role in the development of orange peel. It will essentially play on the more or less marked appearance of the grainy skin. It will also play on other discomforts such as insufficient drainage and water retention which will further promote cellulite to appear.

How to fight cellulite when you are young?

Before launching into hopes and lost sorrows, we prefer to be honest: know that currently, there are no techniques to completely eliminate cellulite, except if the latter appeared not long ago and it is therefore incipient, that it is present in small quantities and / or that an identifiable factor to generate its development (puberty, contraceptive pill, etc.).

This being the case, it will be quite feasible to alleviate it and make your skin smoother through various means which will have to be used in the long term to have a definitive result. Discover them now.

Which homemade products are effective against early cellulite?

Fight cellulite with cosmetic creams and oils

Cellulite creams are the first means that you will have to use that you are a young woman or a young man. Particularly when the orange peel begins to appear or it is not abundant. However, be careful, for the cosmetic product you have chosen to be effective in removing early cellulite, it will be necessary that:

  • The compounds which are formulated in the cosmetic product have properties allowing them to penetrate into the hypodermis.
  • You used your cosmetic product every day.
  • You performed a massage type palpate roll during its application.
  • Finally, be careful to adopt good diet and sports habits.

Annotation : Instead, try to adopt a cream made with as muchingredients from natural origins. Indeed, these do not present any toxic risks for the skin, the organism or the environment and they are developed thanks to active ingredients extracted from vegetable plants which give effective results against cellulite in young people.

We recommend the cream Lavera - Firming Body Lotion

product against cellulite in a young woman

Why buy it?

One of the anti-cellulite cosmetic products with the most natural ingredients: certified organic, Vegan, free of silicones, paraffins and mineral oils.
Rich in many extracts of plants and organic vegetable oils and yet, it remains one of the cheapest on the market.
Contains many active ingredients famous for their anti-cellulite specifications: Caffeine, Arabica coffee bean extract and lemon essential oil to name a few.
Elaborated from many active ingredients which smooth and tone the skin (extract of rosemary leaf, Camellia, cayenne pepper, grape etc.).

You have been warned! : her essential oils. They are not recommended for pregnant women and children under 12 years old.

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For an optimum result, use your cream everyday by doing gentle massages to feel and roll for at least several minutes in places subject to the appearance of cellulite in a young person. This process will firm the skin and promote blood and lymphatic microcirculation.

One of the most effective accessories against cellulite in a young woman: the suction cup

Besides homemade massage with your fingers, you can also use a device such as a suction cup. Indeed, this is one of the most powerful tools to reduce or eliminate cellulite early. Made from hypoallergenic medical silicone, it can be used on all parts of the body prone to the appearance of cellulite in addition to an anti-cellulite cosmetic (especially an oil).

The latter is ideal for giving tone and firmness to the skin, promoting blood and lymphatic microcirculation as well as for loosening fat to consequently reduce the orange peel effect when you are young. For best results, use the suction cup for about five minutes on each part of the body where you want to eliminate cellulite.

After 2 or 3 weeks, by using it every day, the first results can be seen: your skin is smoother, firmer and cellulite much less visible.

We advise you Cellublue's suction cup against cellulite in a young

cellulite young man what to do

Why choose it?

French brand first to have manufactured an anti-cellulite suction cup.
Validated quality: dimension and size perfectly designed to suck your skin without letting in air, very solid and produced in hypoallergenic medical silicone.
Reduces or erases all types of cellulite in a young person.
So as not to be discouraged, the brand offers an app that you can download to your phone: a real support to lose your cellulite as quickly as possible.

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Pay attention : The anti-cellulite suction cup will be much easier to use with oil. It will glide better on your skin and it will be more effective thanks to the anti-cellulite ingredients that the oil holds. It happens that some brands put them on the market in packs and this is usually less expensive. We recommend you the Duo Cellu-cup pack. The oil is sufficiently fatty to take a massage time. At the same time, its formulation includes 97% of ingredients from organic farming, it smells extremely good, the suction cup is unbreakable and its shape is ideal.

Diet and lifestyle advice to avoid cellulite

  • Play sports. Exercising regularly helps to maintain a healthy weight and to get rid of the fat in the form of lipid which causes the appearance of cellulite when you are young. On the other hand, being active helps boost blood and lymphatic microcirculation. The aquabike is one of the most effective sports to fight cellulite.
  • Eat right. Follow a balanced diet rich in vitamins, minerals, trace elements and low glycemic index to fight cellulite in a young. Beware of sugary, salty and fatty foods / avoid refined sugars, bad fats and salt to avoid fat storage and water retention. Prefer a plant-based diet that is high in fiber, rather than an animal diet that is high in toxins and saturated fat.
solutions against cellulite in a young person
  • Daily massages. Gentle massages can remove fat, tone and smooth the skin as well as activate blood and lymphatic microcirculation. The application of an anti-cellulite cream or oil amplifies the effects of the massage. The massages that work best use the “palpate-roll” technique, which involves rolling a fold of skin along the cellulite-prone area. You can also use one for more results and for convenience.
  • Hydrate. You should drink at least 1,5l of water every day to improve drainage, so that the body has the ability to eliminate toxins, and for your body to function normally.
  • Get quality sleep. So that your body can regenerate, be in good health, and evacuate the waste responsible for the appearance of cellulite in a young person, it is recommended to sleep at least 6 hours each night and at best 8 hours.
  • Avoid tobacco. Smoking increases blood circulation problems and stimulates the buildup of toxins in the body that cause cellulite whether you are a young woman or a young man.

Effective treatments to fight cellulite in a young person

The procedures discussed above are the least expensive and the least invasive. They will alloweradicate early cellulite which is hardly visible or present in small quantities.

However, if these solutions do not work, it will be necessary to resort to more important treatments. In most cases, they provide impressive results. They visibly arrange all forms of cellulite (watery, adipose and fibrous). Sometimes they even get rid of it entirely.

Devices to use at home to eliminate youthful cellulite

There are a large number ofhome appliances to reduce cellulite in a young person. Depending on the type of cellulite (fatty, watery or fibrous), you will need to use devices with specific characteristics:

  • If you have adipose cellulite (which occurs following an accumulation of fatty cells) it will be necessary to dislodge the dimpling by adopting devices of pressure or vibrating massage a pair liposuction and therefore by sucking thanks to a suction effect.
  • La watery cellulite is linked to poor drainage (water retention, poor blood and lymphatic circulation). It will be eliminated in particular thanks to devices which offer a draining massage (suction cup) and pressure, by the heat infrared and / or by electric drive.
  • Finally, the fibrous cellulite, difficult to dislodge, it will be necessary to stimulate the skin with the suction cup effect, the pressure and vibrating massages but also the electrical impulse.

Important: the price is likely to vary from 20 euros to sometimes more than 100 euros.

Medical or beauty treatments carried out by specialists against cellulite

For you get rid of cellulite in a young woman or a young man for sure, many treatments carried out in beauty or medical centers can be considered. Whatever happens, before using it, you must consult a doctor or dermatologist specializing in the aesthetic field to obtain a personality opinion.

Below, take a look at our article on cellulite treatments.

Medical treatments

Medical treatments are the ones with the best results in reducing or destroying cellulite in a young person. Many techniques exist and their prescription will depend on your type of cellulite and its amplitude. It may be the laser, radiofrequency, ultrasound, injections of substances, electrolipolysis, for the cryolipolysis or liposuction. The techniques will be more or less intrusive and more or less expensive.
Le cost of these treatments can vary from 500 € to 3000 €. Note: this cost includes the price of all adequate sessions to achieve results.

Aesthetic treatments

To remove cellulite when you are young, aesthetic institutes also have their share of remedies: manual lymphatic drainage, endermology, pressotherapy, PowerShape, BodySculptor or even TECHNISPA treatment. These treatments are recommended in particular to improve lymphatic and blood circulation but also to visibly reduce cellulite by practicing palpate rolling massage much more effectively. Some of these techniques are revolutionary like the PowerShape designed to dislodge fibrous cellulite.
Le financial cost for these treatments can range from 50 € up to 1500 €.

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